Request]Asus B450 strix - F enable hidden settings (HPET and spread spectrum


I bought an new motherboard asus b450 strix F and I can’t find options like HPET and spread spectrum I heard they are hidden and I came across this forum.

I have no idea how to do this by editing the bios file.

Can someone do it for me ? Will be much appreciated.

Bios Version 4204


Windows 10 enable/disable hpet:

Tap on the Windows-key, enter cmd and select to run the command prompt with administrative privileges.
To enable HPET as the only timer run the command bcdedit /set useplatformclock true
To disable HPET in Windows run the command bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock

Disable windows game mode
Tap on the Windows-key,select settings,click on Gaming,turn off gaming mode,game bar,background recording

Latest bios version is 4204 (2021/01/29)
Your device is still supported and highly likely will receive further updates,therefore your modifications will not be permanent.It would be best to disable/enable it on OS level

Updating management engine firmware also recommended,
Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools

As rule of thumb,keep your OS,apps,bios and drivers updated