i have Asus ROG Mamimus VIII Formula board i want the Mod the bios of this board with all supported updated efi drivers and also with NvStrapsReBar.i already built the NvStrapsReBar moules from the souce but i cant seem to mod the bios and i also dont know how to flash that?
here is the link to prebuilt bios v 3801
please can some one help me to mod my bios.
here is NvStrapsReBar module that i built from source NvStrapsReBar.zip (6.3 KB)
Edit: Is it possiable to unlock all hidden setting of the stock bios?
i dont have a programmar
Such mainboard doesn’t exist. Isn’t it an Asus ROG Maximus VIII Formula one? If yes, please correct the related text and the thread title. Otherwise owners of a similar mainboard may not find your thread by using any Search Engine.
Here’s an updated modules file based on last bios (UBU only).
Processor mcodes also updated.
USB BFB method only, user is the only responsible for using this file and what results may come.
EDIT: Those links are related to same user and his thread/tool that i linked previously. I offer nothing more than described, so don’t post here issues about ReBar and Kuri0 aka xCuri0.
Recovering the bios is possible with the USB BFB feature. For saving board UUID, SN and MAC, an FPT dump can be made or AFUWIN prior to any mods.
FD44Editor will be the tool to write back this info on the recover file.
i already wanted to try that guide but i couldn’t mod the bios with mmtool as the guide suggested that also i dont know if my bios would have a padding file issue or not and also i dont know if it is safe to use UEFITool on my bios to add the rebar moudule.what i am talking about this reference from here
and also i dont know if i will be able revert back to original stock if something goes wrong with mod