[Request] Asus UX481FL Laptop Bios Unlock

Flash Image Tool (FIT) can work with SPI images (Flash Descriptor, FD) or Engine firmware (Flash Partition Table, $FPT), not CSE Regions (CSE Layout Table, LT). You need a full SPI dump or simply inject the CSE Region (LT) into a compatible SPI image (FD) from the web via UEFITool to make FIT create the Decomp > ME Sub Partition.bin file which is in $FPT format.

As for MEInfo, maybe a bug or maybe a change in functionality. Try without parameters as well. Maybe the attached newer version helps.

MEInfoWin64.rar (1.74 MB)

@Lost_N_BIOS , I will be leaving for a camping trip soon. I will be back earliest Monday night, maybe later if my family decides to stay longer. Thought I let you know so you wouldn’t think I gave up.

plutomaniac so FPT dumped ME entire region no longer is able to be opened in V14? I have no issues with previous ME FW opening in FITc
$FPT is in the dump he sent at post #34, I get similar errors (but different) and cannot open file in FITc, if I try to open the extracted ME FW backup image body from BIOS’s ME FW Backup area (DE90FFA8-B985-4575-AB8D-ADE52C362CA3)
Something else must be going on here with v14, I never have these issues with anything V12 or under, from user dumped ME FW region or if checking extracted ME from online BIOS upgrades etc.
I can’t find dump online, so will have to build once he send me FD, but I expect the same outcome…

MEINFOWIN - thanks, I will have him test with/without params and use the newer version you linked

@RogueDragon - Please dump your FD and send to me >> FPTw.exe -desc -d fd.bin
No worries about having to leave for a few days, I will see you when you get back
Please also dump this, in case I need, and if present, if error or nothing created then it’s not part of your BIOS >> FPTw.exe -gbe -d gbe.bin

Also, please try the above attached MEINFOwin64, and run the following commands and show me output (if long, like expected/desired, show me end of report on that one only - looking for Measured Boot/Verified Boot status and mention of FPF in same area)
Just zip all if you are not sure, if one is long and you still are not sure, scroll up/down as needed and take screenshot so I can see it all.
MEINFOWIN64.exe -verbose
MEINFOWIN64.exe -fwsts

I am finally back!!!. Sorry for taking so long, there were complications during our trip so it was much longer than expected.

Here is the fd.bin.

gbe.bin gave error 177: reigon does not exist.

MEINFOWIN64 still gives the same short output.

fd.zip (462 Bytes)

@RogueDragon - I wondered where you’d been Hope trip was OK, despite being longer than expected!
Sorry, but for safety, for now, please wait some more, until I work this out with plutomaniac so we can know if it’s safe to flash in mod BIOS here or not.

plutomaniac - Still at a loss here, I compiled his FD, dumped ME region + dumped BIOS region, still cannot open in FITc. I know opening this really doesn’t help to check FPF side anyway, but it bugs me
And, the new MEINFOWin attached at #41 still does not give correct -verbose output
Is there any other way to check Measure/Verified boot status at FPF side?

Screenshots of MEInfoWIN64

MEINFOWIN64_screenshots.zip (160 KB)

plutomaniac - Still at a loss here, I compiled his FD, dumped ME region + dumped BIOS region, still cannot open in FITc. I know opening this really doesn’t help to check FPF side anyway, but it bugs me
And, the new MEINFOWin attached at #41 still does not give correct -verbose output
But, the main concern here = >> Is there any other way to check Measure/Verified boot status at FPF side without proper MEINFO -verbose output?

CSME 12+ & CSSPS 5+ use the CSE Layout Table (LT) at the Engine region, not $FPT like before. You cannot open CSE LT images at FIT, only $FPT or full SPI (FD + CSE + BIOS).

To my knowledge, no. Only MEInfo.


I think I know what’s going on with MEInfo and FIT, try the attached version.

Windows64.rar (257 KB)

plutomaniac - Thanks, I don’t understand any of that about the ME and FITc, sorry, as you know I don’t ME FW very well So I don’t know how to get CSE from his ME FW dump to compile FD + CSE + BIOS to open in FITc
Thanks for new tool version, hopefully it will now show proper MEINFOWin -verbose output! That is all we really need here to move forward, to check boot guard status at FPF

The CSME firmware is in $FPT format when given to OEM (RGN). At (CS)ME 2-11, it was configured and saved at the Engine region of the SPI image in $FPT format as well. At CSME 12+, the RGN $FPT is configured but saved in CSE Layout Table (LT) format at the Engine/CSE region of the SPI image. Flash Image Tool can work only with $FPT or SPI formats, not CSE LT. To generate an EXTR $FPT from the SPI CSE LT image, you can use FIT with a full SPI image as explained here.

The error you are seeing in FIT (bad manifest header ?) is not related the above.

It’s actually old, not new. That’s the whole point and a hint as to what seems to be the problem.

plutomaniac Thanks for further info, and link back to previous comments, but that didn’t help me understand any of it (or I would have got that before)
This part I don’t get >> To generate an EXTR $FPT from the SPI CSE LT image << I built full SPI image from his dumps, does not open in FITc, so I assume I need to make $FPT format ME FW from his dumped CSE FW region, and that is where I am lost.
I am seeing lots of errors in FIT, mainly all stopping file from opening, but there is a pile of errors no matter how I try to open. Below is what I see when trying to open his compiled BIOS I made from FPT dumps of FD, ME, BIOS


No, as I said above: "The error you are seeing in FIT (bad manifest header ?) is not related to the above." The error you are seeing has nothing to do with $FPT, CSE LT etc. FIT should work with a full SPI image (like the one you are trying to load now, unlike before). If it doesn’t, it is not related to $FPT or CSE LT firmware region formats.

Basically, it seems that FIT 14.0.30+ works only with CSME 14.0.20+ and crashes at 14.0.0 - 14.0.11 so you need to use an older version. I’m waiting for the person with the issue to reply to see if MEInfo is also affected.

I am not seeing the error you mention. See my edit above, I added image. Yes, I am using 14.0.32. I will test with older then, thanks Never mind, I only have R3 and r4 release packages, you’ll have to send me old FITc version
Here is the compiled image from his FD, ME, and BIOS region - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…921941010399810
Making this open in FITc is not really important to me if we can get MEINFO verbose to work properly, even if it opened in FITc now that still would not help me know if FPF has boot guard enabled or not anyway

But you are…

plutomaniac OMG, DERP!!! Sorry, I missed that
Can you send me copy of old FITc, in case I run into this again later and actually need to work on the BIOS/ME with FITc

@RogueDragon was here today, but no reply In case you missed it, please grab the older MEINFO attached above at post #48 and run MEINfoWin -verbose and see if it works properly now


I will have to release an additional System Tools pack with 14.0.11 versions for old firmware so you’ll get it from there. For now we’ll wait for the user MEInfo report.

I will do it on the 5th.

@Lost_N_BIOS I used MeInfoWin64.[[File:Screenshot (15).png|none|auto]]

Screenshot (15).png

@RogueDragon - Thanks for report back! Bad news, we cannot edit this BIOS, at least not for menu changes, due to Intel Boot Guard enabled at the chipset (Measured/Verified Boot enabled at FPF)
We can however change any current setting you need changed, NVRAM is not covered by boot guard. These settings can be changed by grub/setup method, or RU method, whichever is easier for you.
You have already made a setup IFR yourself, correct? If yes, look through it and make a list of what you want changed, to what, and then give me and I will show you how to change via grub/setup or RU method.
Looking back, I think either grub didn’t work for you, or this system, or RU was easier, not sure, but looks like RU method is what you should use.

@plutomaniac - old MEINFOWin64 worked for this ME, when time permits can you put together than older ME System Tools package so I can have in case needed in the future, thanks

I just wanted to change my laptop’s fan curve to make it more aggressive. Is changing the temperature tri point the easiest method?