[Request] Asus X99 Deluxe II Bifurcate PCIe Slot


I need to Bifurcate my X99 Deluxe-II to run 2 nvme drives which are in Hyper M.2 card.
Does someone have working bios for this motheboard ?

Thanks for all replies

@Josephix - Can you see IntelRCSetup area in the BIOS?

If not, then only thing I can do is make you x12 BIOS to test, one of them will bifurcate the slot you are using, then once you find which BIOS and tell me, we can adjust that specific setting to the exact bifurcation you wanted.
Also, see my notes about Hyper testing here - [REQUEST] Bifurcation Asus x99-a II - 5820k (2)

All bifurcation settings are on Auto now, so it may auto bifurcate, in some slot, once you have NVME cards in correct slots on the Hyper card.
I’m not sure though, just saying maybe, since it’s all set to auto

@dragonsun252 - Do you know which slots on the board correspond to which IIO/IIOU’s here?

@Lost_N_Bios Unfortunately, i dont see thios option in any card in Bios. I ahve version 1808 and 2102 and any opf them have that option.

I tried to modify IOU2 port to work in mode x4x4, but after that modification whn i try install it using Flashback it doesn’t work.
I used this guide : 2.2 AMI Aptio V BIOS MOD - ASUS FLASHBACK from youtube

Couple of second ago a try to change settings like you in post about 5820k, and nothing happen.
Like i see PCIe port 3 (in which i have M.2 card) default is x8, so the option is to bifurcate it to x4x4 mode.

@Josephix - If you do not See IntelRCSetup, then you can only do blind edit, that will take you x12 test BIOS to find out which IIO/IOUx is what slot
You can’t just pick a setting and think it will work, unless you change one, try all slots, change another, try all slots etc. This is basically what you do with the x12 BIOS, but it’s more methodical to make all 12 BIOS first and then test, until you figure out which setting = which slot.

USB Flashback works, you need to have compatible USB Stick (older, smaller = better, 128MB-2GB - USB 2.0), BIOS must be properly named (Ie USB Flashback name), and BIOS must be on Root (not in folder) of FAT or FAT32 MBR initialized USB Stick, for best chances of compatibility.
Other configs, and or larger sticks may work. Sometimes you can use larger drives, if you partition them down to 1-2GB

Of course, you must have also edited BIOS properly so it did not break the BIOS. If you can flash stock BIOS via USB Flashback, but not your mod BIOS, then it’s just broken BIOS mod

Sorry, your last comment makes no sense to me? Do you want me to make you x12 BIOS?