[Request] Bios Modding for GA-6GXU motherboard

Hello All,

I am trying to add Pentium III Xeon 700 MHZ and 900 MHz CPU support for my old Slot 2 Award 4.51PG BIOS 440GX chipset based motherboard. Its beta BIOS supports Pentium II Xeons and Pentium III Xeons but not the latests 700 MHz (cpuid 6A0, 6A1, 6A4) and 900 MHz (cpuid 6A4) based on Cascades-2MB core.

latest BIOS

When I install Cascades-2MB CPU motherboard freezes displaying glitch in BIOS frequency field.

I tried to include new microcodes in bios by using cbrom tools but it doesn’t help and also caused side effect - bios checksum error. Mentioned motherboard is equipped with Dual Bios technology so each time I modify BIOS motherboard swith it back to backup BIOS. Because of that it is also possible that I didn’t test CPU on bios with added microcodes because Dual Bios switched bioses and computer hang up. Do you know how to adjust modded Gigabyte bios file checksum to be correct?

I found bios patcher tool 4.23 and used it to mod the bios (it allow to add microcodes and enable additional patches but it was probably not tested with Xeon Slot 2 440GX motherboards so there are side effects - for example CPU was displayed as Tualatin Celleron but ucode 6A1 was correct). After applying all patches and flashing bios with bad checksum (I had had to flash both main and backup bios with patched bios to get around Dual Bios switching problem) CPU started correctly but it has frequency set to 400MHz and do not react to any multipler change. Maybe it is caused by koeficients patch applied by Bios Patcher?

  1. Can someone tutor me how to fix checksum error so that I could at least try to patch the bios with Bios Patcher without disturbing dual bios recovery procedure?
  2. Maybe someone would be able to add cpu microcode and necessary fix for Cascades-2MB CPUs and correct checksum for me? @Fernando could you support me?

I would upload file containing microcodes that I need but unfortunately new users cannot do it. It would be ideal to add following microcodes:
EDIT (added required ucodes):
REALL.zip (12.7 KB)

I would be gratefull for your support.

Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

I cannot help you myself, but I hope, that you will get support by someone else.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

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