[REQUEST] Bios password removal ASUS Q170T


I recently purchased this motherboard from eBay but it is password locked. I already tried the usual: shorting the 2 cmos reset pins, removing the battery etc… ALT-R does not give me a password rescue date.

I dumped the the bios chip (mxic mx25l12873f) with a CH341a usb programmer i just purchased, first time using that kind of device ever.

As a new user i cannot attach .bin file here so i’ll provide my own link:


Ok i solved it. It appears i only had to flash Asus’ latest bios .cap file with the CH341 programmer and now, no more password!

Missing MAC address (GbE) and serial this way.


Did not thonk this would affect these things. So i need to find them in original dump and insert them in the bios chip’s firmware i guess?

Yes, you can use this utility
Manual edit the bios image to flash or the tool can also transfer the data to it.