[Request] BIOS to fix issues with my X470 Gaming Pro Carbon and Windows Vista

I’ve been having issues with installing Windows Vista onto Ryzen. The install is usually smooth, but once in Windows, it bluescreens all the time. Sometimes it’s at boot, with a 7B error, which is confusing. Other times it’s bad pool header or caller at boot, once booted, it can bluescreen at the logo before the login screen, or if not, it can bluescreen after typing in my password and pressing enter. If I’m actually able to get in, it’ll usually bluescreen within 30 minutes. If I reboot, it usually bluescreens as well.

Minidump files from my current install

BIOS options for my board (BIOSs that are too old can’t be flashed)

I’m tired, and I just want a functioning Vista install, I’ve already pulled three all-nighters trying to get Vista working, and probably going to do a fourth. (Not, I decided to sleep) I just want a functioning Vista install

I had a friend test Vista with a ASUS ROG Strix B450-F, and it worked without any issues. So, it’s definitely a MSI BIOS issue

@asdf23451 - Maybe your CPU or memory is not stable, did you test CPU stability and run memtest86+ for 8-12 hours?
Have you tested on another SSD/HDD, to rule out hard drive issues? 0x7B is a boot driver issue, like if you install in RAID mode and switch to AHCI without doing registry edit first, or visa versa.
Or possibly if you remove the hard drive root driver, that can cause that as well, 7B isn’t usually a random issue, that’s why I wondered if you maybe have iffy drive too, test another if you can.

I can mod BIOS for you, but there’s not mod BIOS request here, so nothing to do yet…

Maybe time to go Win7, if you hate win10? I like Vista too, but moved to Win7 LONG ago, and finally gave up on that and moved to Win10 too, but I’d go back to Win7 easily, probably not vista
Just something to consider, less driver hassles etc.

I’ve tried two different CPUs, three different RAM configs, multiple different RAM settings, multiple SSDs, installing Vista on one machine, then transferring over the SSD. Also the 0x7B also sometimes happens when booting the setup too.

Maybe the board is faulty? Test Win7 or Win10 and see if you run into similar issues

Also, maybe this, and or similar is part of the issue too (I know nothing about what AMD CPU is what, this I just see in FAQ)
Q: Why system can’t install Windows 7 operating system when I use A8-9600 CPU?
A: AMD officially don’t support Bristol Ridge CPU to install Windows 7 operating system, only Pinnacle Ridge or Summit Ridge CPU are supported.

I also see only Win7/10 on AMD General Driver download page for X470

Windows 7 works great on the board. I’ve also tested 8.1 with another CPU on the board.

I want Vista so I can fool around with the extended kernel. Vista isn’t officially supported, but almost all of the Windows 7 drivers work just fine from what I’ve seen in the past.

I just reread this, and I realized what you said here.

How is there no mod BIOS request?