Hello! I would like to unlock my BIOS. I don’t want anything special just an unlock!
Here’s stock BIOS image from ASUS:
I don’t know how to make a normal backup of my BIOS oops! lol
Hello! I would like to unlock my BIOS. I don’t want anything special just an unlock!
Here’s stock BIOS image from ASUS:
I don’t know how to make a normal backup of my BIOS oops! lol
Check Section D, and make a full spi dump with the Intel FPT tool from ME11 tools package
[[Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing - Special Topics / Intel Management Engine - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)](https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/guide-unlock-intel-flash-descriptor-read-write-access-permissions-for-spi-servicing
Tools here: [Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools - Special Topics / Intel Management Engine - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)](https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/intel-converged-security-management-engine-drivers-firmware-and-tools
Hi @MeatWar
I read the [Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing as you recommended and I dumped the BIOS region using FPT tool. So I proceeded to mod the bios section and tried to flash it and again faced the secure flash issue. So I have tried to unlock the BIOS of ASUS Rog Flow Z13(GZ301VV) using the EFI shell from https://winraid.level1techs.com/uploads/short-url/7V4Ii92PefJm0ZRusL3oAIGHgIe.rar to set the variable for BIOS lock. But the EFI shell doesn’t run on my laptop. It ran on older PCs.
How can I find the higher version of the EFI shell that can run on my laptop. Or is there any other way to unlock the BIOS? There is no “pinmod” on my laptop motherboard.
Aero 15 OLED XC bios unlock request - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Requests - Win-Raid Forum
Thank you, @MeatWar for your reply. I will try to find answer from your recommendation and if I get any result, I will let you know. Thanks again.
Hi MeatWar
Thank you for your advice. I found valuable info from your recommendation. But I still got an issue. I described it on [Request] Gigabyte Aero 15 OLED BIOS unlocked #664.
Could you give me advice on that? Thank you in advance.
Laptops are not my “strongest” area… in fact i kind “hate” laptop systems…wast of money especially for gamers, good for work only.
Setting a value in those variables using RU is a temporary solution for dumping with unlocked values, as soon as the system powers down/reboot the default are restored.
So most cases what users do is to flash that unlocked dump to the SPI IC, when possible with FPT tool or SPI programmer, other solution is to edit the FD by HEX editor and flashing with SPI programmer or FIT tool on ME region if FPT tool can write to the ME region only.
All these are RISK operations that can lead to a death system,
cant help more on this, good luck.
Hi @MeatWar
I hope you are doing well. I recently tried to mod the bios of ASUS laptop(UX3404va). I used ch341 to read the flash rom and what I got was different from what I read with FPT. Anyway I modified the read content with UEFITool and wrote it back to the rom. But the pc doesn’t run. So I had to write back the backup image and it started to run.
What do you think can be the reason. with other PCs, this method worked well.
I would really appreciate any advice. thanks.
Usually works… but i prefer flashing a reading from/with the same method, whenever possible, not mixing them.
Now… there’s a “catch” here on your statement, buddy i don’t know what you modded or what is your overall knowledge of modding, resuming… We really don’t know what you’re messing with.
Bu the main issue here and the initiallyy response you’d be… the mod is the culprit… cause they’re your actions and not mine and i really don’t want to know or have time for it, straight answer.
All the best and good luck.
EDIT: For further help on the subject/laptop/bios version you should create a new Request, as this is another model.
Thanks @MeatWar
What I am trying to do is to get rid of the language “Chinese (Simplified) for Mainland China” from the Setup menu.
I worked with the image read from ch341. (I wanted to do it with FPT, but because of the protected range registers, I couldn’t flash the bios image with FPT. I tried RU.efi, but it didn’t fix the “protected range register”.)
I extracted the setup image from the dxe using UEFITool and found out “zh-CN” with HexEditor and changed the hex values(7A 68 2D 43 4E) to en-US(65 6E 2D 55 53). And then replaced the setup image on UEFITool. Finally, I wrote the modded bios image to the rom.
For other PCs, it worked well, but for this model, it doesn’t work. Could you give me more tip on this?
PS: If I really should create a New request, I will do it. But I just want to get a tip from you here. Thank you.
Try working only in bios region opened in AMIBCP v5.02.0031 “patched” and do not use UEFI tool to append back the image, use HEX editor.
Don’t know if the AMI Aptio V UEFI Editor can do the task.
The bios is too new though… and AMI v2 security protected…
Hi @MeatWar
I hope you are doing well.
I tried with AMIBCP v5.02.0031 “patched” and it can’t read the BIOS image. I would appreciate any more tips on this.
And I have one more quest. How can I remove the BIOS password of a laptop? I am sorry to ask you about it on this thread, but I found out that there is no answer to BIOS password reset requests on other threads. Thank you.
People tend to forget or don’t have the notion of it… these “famous” AMI tools are “leaked” sources with more than a decade… back in the time of AMI Core8/ new Aptio IV Core.
There were no more “leaks” of recent versions of these manipulation tools… so there’s your
answer to it.
Passwords can be in several locations of a dump and even encrypted… theres no equal answer for all cases, relating model/brand/bios versions.