Ok I’ll do it when I am at home. By the way could you please share the instructions of that modding please ? Or another bios modding topic where the same methot is used. If a new version of the bios is released. I want to deal with it by myself. Thabky you thousand times again
If it turns out that the mod is successful, it will not be difficult to write how it was done, or even record a video.
İf the mod is not successful, will it brick the the laptop or will it just boot as it is in stock ? You know I don’t have a programmer
Hi friend, i can say that Sweet Kitten is the more brilliant modder here and i too can learn from him
So if so you want to be sure that the mod is flashed use the Fptw command to make a bios backup and upload it here , then i will check it to confirm !
Command is (from the fpt folder as Admin user) :
fptw.exe -d biosreg.bin -bios
Let me know
P.S. He made only IFR modifies … really difficult to brick , but depends on the variables unlocked … better ask to him
If FPT is able to install the mod, it will be considered unsuccessful if after all the operations done, new menus do not appear. I changed nothing but menu full show.
Thank you But no need that because mod is succesful ! @Sweet_Kitten You are my hero from now ! All of the menu is unlocked. I can reach everyting including ram xmp profile, cpu voltage, ram voltage,overclock…
Those who have one of the models below, You can mod your bios using the really similiar way. [DOES NOT mean that you can flash my bios to your laptop]
Because if you check here (website’s id/password is repo/repo) You will see that all of these models share a unified bios. And If you use that BIOS mod for your NH58DEQ (Not reccomended to use another laptop’s dump bios mod), your laptop’s boot logo will be changed to Monster’s Boot logo. (Clevo turkey’s reseller) You can find image of its in the attachments. (Again, not reccomended)
And please if you find this topic useful, just give @Sweet_Kitten a like. I am sure you won’t be able to find any other source for these models because I wasn’t able to.
And I have a few questions please.
1) My laptop supports till 2993 mhz and my 3200 mhz samsung dimms work on 2993 too. Now that the bios unlocked and there is memory frequency option, If I set the value to 3200, Can my laptop handle this or won’t boot ?
2) If the answer of the 1st question is no, What would happen If I changed my ram to Dimms which supports 3200 but 2666 jdec ? Would it work on 2933 or won’t boot again ?
3) As you can see in the attached image, My serial number is not visible neither on bios nor on windows. On both of the platforms, It says ‘‘not appleciable’’. This happened when I updated my bios using InsydeFFT 2 months ago and my serial number gone. Moreover the serial number under the laptop’s cover is also death because it is deleted while using. So when I send my laptop to the service (I have death pixel issiue) They won’t be able to check the serial number and warranty deathline. So I need to add my serial number into bios again. Is that possible ?
4)Can you give me the instructions as you said please ? I want to use your method when a new bios update comes up or even on different Monster (clevo) Laptops. Because In turkey It is impossible to find a source or anything about bios modding and I am the only person who have this now. I want to help other people who are like me and searched for weeks to unlock bios. (if allowed, in that forum too)
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Nobody should install other people’s BIOS! This one is just for him.
And thanks to the experience of modding this BIOS, now I have a very small clue on how to make a modification of the Lenovo Y540 because they are similar.
Give me some time.
yes friend …
Hi friend, i can say that Sweet Kitten is the more brilliant modder here and i too can learn from him

You used the Generalized method for Insyde that i and Sovem used a lot of time ago … this is the Bios Region extracted
I read all thread and got it the variable that RecS searched Variable 13B5 , so activing that it was shown all menu …
But that is far from the rest of bioses we have studied and this is like others touch of luck for us , but i would to check all others bioses to see if
there is something again …
This activated the Debug Mode

I will wait

I changed what I said there and said never install it. Nevertheless, I didn’t remove the model numbers similiar to my laptop so that they can find this topic if they search their laptop’s model number on the forum. I guess It’s ok.
I am glad that the time you spent on my BIOS helped you too as an experience to mod another laptop(s).
Only if both laptop and memory support this frequency, then this is possible.
I’m afraid your data is lost forever.
I don’t think I filmed something very useful. The video is only available via the link. This is the most I can do. And I just don’t like text instructions, because it makes people ask even more questions.
I think I need your help for the last time sir as far as I remember, after I flashed the modded bios, overclock menu was enabled. But currently (I think happened after load setup defaults) It is in grey colour. It is visible but cannot enter the menu.
It works! btw you said above that no one should install others’ bios. Does that include nh58deq users too or just the models I mentioned above? Shouldn’t I share this to somenone who has the same laptop ?
As a precaution, you should always make BIOS modifications for each individual laptop again.
How about the Lenovo Y700 15-ISK?
This is the case for the flashing using Intel FPT.
This is what I was actually replying to but seems the reply function isn’t working.
@Zucker2k , we know how to unlock Lenovo Y700 15-ISK. If you need, make a request and post a link to download the BIOS dump made by backup tools. Your message will not be missed.
Would I be able to flash it with FPT? I can unlock the FD for bios writes, but there are Protected Range Registers.