[Request] Dell Inspiron 660s/Vostro 270s Motherboard BIOS Overclock Mod


I’m a bit new to bios modding, but I noticed that my Inspiron 660s does not support overclocking on both the motherboard and CPU level. I’m fixing this by replacing the CPU with an i7 3770K. However, the motherboard, the Vostro 270s, is locked as it was not originally intended to carry this functionality out. Could someone take a look at the BIOS for it and possibly unlock CPU overclocking? Help would be greatly appreciated <3

BIOS Update: https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER05049912M/1/Inspiron%20660s%20Vostro%20270s%20A13%20BIOS.exe

Base Specs w/ Replacements in Parenthesis if this helps:
Vostro 270s Motherboard
i3 3240(replaced with i7 3770K)
intel integrated graphics(added an Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 8GB)
4GB RAM(replaced with 16GB)

Sir…this is an Intel 7 Series H61 chipset and:
My bad…its the S version so, B75, same…

2070 to CPU “Common you bastard hurry up…” :rage:
3770K to GPU “I know i know it’s not my fault, the damm chipset is a POS”… :hot_face:
to Motherboard “Hurry up you lazy bastard, they all getting impatient”… :nauseated_face:
Motherboard to them all "Just go Fx@#%$^@ all of you, they didn’t give me no power:sob:

Kinda like this you see, anyway there could be a user has found some tiny “miracles” on it and can share it with you, good luck.

:sob: I know this is a scuffed setup. The challenge here was to take a shitty desktop and try to do something with it. CPU and motherboard are compatible, I just need overclock support on the BIOS. You guys are hilarious tho LMAO, hope something comes of this.