Hi everyone, and Merry Christmas!
I want to use NVMe SSDs as boot drives on my R730XD and R740XD, but I am unable to extract the BIOS.bin file. I have tried using Dell_PFS_Extract and PFSExtractor, but they did not provide usable files and returned some errors.
Could anyone please help me extract the .bin file or provide me with a method to do it myself?
Thank you for your assistance!
Here are the links to the BIOS.exe files:
R730: https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER11275684M/1/BIOS_KM6P8_WN64_2.19.0.EXE
R740: https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER12096722M/1/BIOS_F8GPH_WN64_2.22.2.EXE
Thank you