[Request] GA-H61M S2PV Rev 2.2 BIOS with >4G Dec.+Resiz.Bar

Friends, I’m Newbie. I couldn’t sleep at night. I went crazy trying to find a modded Bios. How can it be done? It would be great if something like this is possible. I would be very grateful if you could help me in advance. I’m not a troll. I discovered this forum while searching for foreign sources. Additionally, I apologize to the moderators if I am violating any forum rules.

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened

dump your bios here, let me take a look

How do I do it? Unfortunalety. I’m rookie.

GA-H61M-S2PV-RebarUEFI(rev. 2.2)(UEFIPatch + DSDTPatch) - Update padding file issue, it should be work now

OneOf Prompt: “Above 4G Decoding”, Help: “Enables or Disables 64bit capable Devices to be Decoded in Above 4G Address Space (Only if System Supports 64 bit PCI Decoding).”, QuestionFlags: 0x10, QuestionId: 0xE, VarStoreId: 0x1, VarOffset: 0x4, Flags: 0x10, Size: 8, Min: 0x0, Max: 0x0, Step: 0x0

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