[Request] H61H2-CM UEFI Support and ECS H110H4-EM NVME Support

My geforce 730 gt graphics card supports UEFI, I already checked it on another board, I could try your solution to see what’s up, I’ll let you know

Sure. You know what to do, clean the bios region of the bios file from the Ecs h61h2-m6 anf flash it. Create a dump of your spi before update. And in order for it to boot up un UEFI mode you have to select in the setup order “windows 7 and other os” option for it to boot in UEFI. At least for me. If I select full UEFI windows 8 board won’t give image with graphic card attached (gtx 460)

Hello friend, do you mean that the h61h2-cm is compatible with h61h1-m6? I have a bios problem with my RX 480 it does not recognize it while on another PC that is compatible with legacy bios and uefi it works

H61h2-cm board is compatible with bios for Ecs h61h2-m6 NOT M1. who is the manufacturer of your board ? and what is the current bios version of your board and ME engine ?

you have to flash the bios file using the Intel fpt tool in dos mode using an USB key. it’s a simple process .

Sorry for not answering, the board was manufactured by ECS but it does not support it since the government ordered it to be manufactured or something like that… the version is 4.6.5, the engine I have no idea

Are you from Venezuela ?
