[Request] Help on bios recover Asus ROG Strix SCAR 15 G533(QR)


I am hoping someone can help/point me in the right direction. I was trying to access the RAM timings and Fclk inn my 5800h, I made a backup of my bin file and had a ch341a on standby encase I bricked the laptop. Unfortunately the Bin file I saved is corrupted and I have been trying to find a way to reduce the size of the bin I have extracted from the Asus EZflash updater.exe. I have extracted the bin file from the EXE, it’s still 16.7 mb and needs to be 8mg to fit IC chip:

winbond 74m12JWPIQ

I have tried to look for the 8mg image file in a hex editor, however I have been unable to find what I am looking for. I know that I will have to add the mac address, serial number etc to the bios as mine is corrupted, I am however just desperate to get the machine to boot as I need it for work. Clearly this is my fault so I apologise in advance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I cannot attach the BIN file or any photos of the board as I have just joined. Hopefully I will be abale to shorlty.

If this is the right chip it’s 128 MBit, which fit’s fine for a 16 MByte firmware?

Post a link to the Asus update you mention and attach / post a link to your corrupt backup file.


Thanks for the response, I realised earlier the chip is 16mb, the header makes it slightly too large, I’ve tried using an automated programme to reduce the size, but any help would be greatly appreciated. The bios version is inside the file as a Bin and the original exe, along with the corrupt file. Their all tagged as such. Many thanks for looking into this.

OK, the corrupt file is just a 16 MB collection of zeroes, nothing else. If you dumped it with a programmer I’d recoomend to try it again. Make at least 2 dumps which should be a 100% identical AND have a recognizable structure in UEFIToolNE!

A valid dump of your firmware / the actual content of the chip

  • makes sure that you have a good connection (and are ready to flash- if you can’t read properly you can’t write properly!)
  • makes sure that you will overwrite the correct chip
  • might give you the option to save serial / Windows code …

Unfortunately, I wiped the chip after I saved the corrupted bios. I had checked that it had saved in a hex editor, I’ve got no idea what happened to the save file afterwards. Basically all ive got is the new bin, obviously I can get the rest of the info off the board, but I basically ballsed it up big time. If there is anytging that can be done just to get it up and running again I would be very gratefull.

I’d like to urge you to dump the spi chip again. How would you know that you wiped if you weren’t possibly able to read it properly?

The Asus firmware has a 0x800 capsule in the beginning.

Ok, ill try again as soon as I can. Should be a couple of hrs or so.

I added the bios dumps into one drive, unfortunately they are the same. Not eufi image found in eifi tools.

OK, normally cleaning the file with a programmer would result in all being FF instead of 00, but anyway, all these dumps are virtually empty.

As written, remove the capsule from Asus’ files, should give you a file exactly 0x1000000 / 16 777 216 bytes which may be used for the programmer. (Don’t omit the erasing part)
Read the content of the chip in a separate process, save the result and compare with the original file you tried to flash!

There’s a additional safety in checking the content of the chip before erasing and thereby knowing that’s this was the correct chip.

Hi mate, realised the a pin on the wson 8 connector I had was duff. Ordered a new one, that’s obviously why the corrupt dumps were all 0000’s, should have it in a few days and will crack on then. Thanks for the help thus far. At least I should be able to recover the data off the chip with some luck as it’s doubtful the chip was wiped in the process. At least hopefully!

Hi mate, I’ve managed to take a number of dumps from the chip with a new connector, I’ve also extracted a file exactly the same size 16 777 216 from the Asus exe, I am going to go through them this evening and convert new file from hex to bin. I am hoping that this should be it. Any input would be appreciated if there is anything obvious you can see. Many thnaks.

Forgot the link OldBios

Just to mention after a short look: Your dump (at least 3 and 4 are identical, so I take it these might be valid) is G533QR, that Asus file on your onedrive is G533QM?

Try first
corrupt3_1.zip (8.2 MB)
That’s your dump with Stock NVRAM. Might possibly work according to your history if those values you changed are stored in NVRAM and not somewhere in AMD- padding…

G533QR_msd.zip (8.0 MB)
If 1 doesn’t work- this is a stock QR firmware with your machine specific data transferred.

I’m travelling now, won’t be able to answer quickly.

Hi mate, thanks for coming back to me. When your unrar G533QR bios exe, it comes out as g533qm. Then extracting that with 7 zip gives you 16777216 size file you can read in a hex editor.

Mate, the full message just showed, thankyou so much. I will try and flash int he next hr or so as I am out at the minute.

Sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman! My Laptop has just booted to BIOS screen. I cannot thankyou enough! If I could ask one more thing of you? How am I able to find the machine details? I will never work on a bios without a verified backup ever again, it would just be usefull to know how to do it in futre. Many thanks and safe travels!

Thanks for the feedback. Did the first version work or did you have to use the second?

Machine specific data in 0xC1000 to C3FFF, scroll through that area with HxD and you find ‘known things’. But that’s individual for every machine, some do even have these data in NVRAM.

If you have something known like the serial search for it in a hex editor and in UEFIToolNE (in case it’s in compressed area) both unicode and ASCII

I couldn’t get the first file to run properly as it kept having errors at verification, tried option 32 and flashed first time.

Thanks again, literal life saver!