[Request] How to Unlock the BIOS? Boot Certificate has Expired

hi to everyone i need hep i have a bios with the size of 2mb
i need to find in the binary file this image =


and replace it and i need to know how and where module/or block find this image.

and need to find the block screen and erase o jump this screen=


and i need help with the bios the bin file its blocked the setup bios its (aptio)
this bios have a blue blocked screen i need to find the screen and edit to eliminate or jump this screen.

i think its something with HASH

this binary files originaly size its 2MB .


i wait any help bros…

Edit by Fernando: Thread title customized and specified

TF10_Backup Blocked.rar (1.17 MB)

People, who need urgent help, should call the police or request an ambulance.

ow! coffee out the nose… Please warn me next time.


+1 to what Fernando said. Please fix the title in accordance to the forum rules, which you agreed to have read.

i change the title . you can help me with my problem y try to find the logo and tracy to change but i dont find anything its to encrypted to find. and the other thing i try to jump the block screen and the machine its no turning on. and i try to change a an uppercase for a lowercase and it does not turn on. i think its something with hash. this bios its APTIO.
i try to upload this binary file in AMIBCP and the software say = plattform identified failed with the software MMTool v5.0.0.7 its the only can upload and see the modules but i dont find the splash logo.


You can open the AMI Aptio BIOS by using any BIOS modding tool, which is able to handle AMI Aptio BIOSes.
This is what the UEFITool shows:

As you can see, the BIOS doesn’t contain any module named "Splash Logo".
According to the error message the device cannot boot, because "The Boot Certificate has expired".
Who is the manufacturer of the device and which is the device’s name (model)?
How old is the device? Did you ever use it before?

hi, thanks to answer my question, i name splash logo but its not the same name, way to tell the start logo of each computer like the one in the attached photo that shows a black background with white letters that logo I can’t find. I suspect that it is in some hidden module that says freeform with a .raw extension when extracting.i need to know wheres its hidden this starting logo=


info from setup bios=

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-12 at 03.08.55.jpeg

this motherboard its from elitegroup "ECS"
the manufacturer device its intel.

Every modification, no matter how small, for example, a capital letter for a lower case=


but this modification I did it on many machines and it always turned on the machine and fine but in this particular bios it didn’t
and I save the data and the machine its not turning on, I calculate that there must be a HASH bothering me. but i dont find the HASH I can’t find it to be able to modify it so that when you make modifications it doesn’t bother when you start the machine.


This indicates, that your request is not a private one and you don’t own the related ECS Elitegroup machine.
By the way - this is what I found at reddit.com about "Intel Classmate - Boot Certificate Expired":

My comment: You seem to demand help for an illegal action and we are not willing to deliver it.

fernando , i understand what you are saying but in latin america that program no longer works like it used to now if the computer crashes , everyone has to manage to unlock it since the computer becomes unusable you understand most of them throw them away because they can not use them and now the government is not interested in anything.
if you look on youtube for example in Spanish = COMO DESBLOQUEAR UNA NETBOOK DEL GOBIERNO you will see that there are thousands and thousands of videos of people who use the files to unlock and use these files. the school gave them to him to finish school and once he finished the equipment after 4 months it crashes and is no longer usable so we created these files to help people.
because when the machine turned on and off so much, a blue screen was created that blocked the computer. and you had to enter a 10-digit code to unlock the computer but now that government page no longer works. It’s already expired and it doesn’t work with machines that have been blocked and thrown away for a long time. That’s why I wanted to edit this to give them a second use.
But well, I’m going to see if I see another forum or a member who gives me a hand to help these people. These machines are thrown away once they are blocked, because they can no longer be used
same thanks

Hello, I am from Mexico and we have the same problem with some Intel tablets with Windows 8.1 that the government gave in 2015 and that are blocked if the battery is completely discharged, in 2014 they had already given some with Android but those are blocked because of the Expired Certificate issue, were you able to resolve the problem?

hola, soy de Mexico y tenemos el mismo problema con unas Tabletas intel con Windows 8.1 que el gobierno dió en el 2015 y que se bloquean si la bateria se descarga completamente, ya en el 2014 habían dado unas con Android pero esas se bloquean por la cuestion del Certificado expirado, ¿pudiste resolver el problema?


Este es el TPM que usa la Android

Y la windows tambien usa el mismo