Request: HP 14 Insyde BIOS downgrade

Hello @Sweet_Kitten. I hope you are okay

I have been trying my best to downgrade my HP 14 ck0521sa from F.69 to F.47. However after editing the platform.ini and trying everything else, I still cannot do it. I would really appreciate any help you could give, i have read all the troubleshooting posts you have given and i still cannot get anywhere.

Thank you and have a lovely day!

If you’re expecting a prompt solution, try the patched InsydeFlash I made for some other HP device. (1.7 MB)

Don’t really want to do extra work if you can do it easier and it will work. Run HPFlashWin, click Browse FD File and choose ANY VALID bios file.

Thank you very much Sweet Kitten!

I will try this right now and let you know the results

Hi Sweet Kitten,

I just wanted to let you know, it worked! Thank you a lot for the help. I have a question, can i flash ANY compatible FD file even if it has been edited by H2OEZE?

Thank you and have a lovely day!

Yes, but BIOS internal protection will tell your laptop to stop booting anymore.

Thank you for responding Sweet Kitten!

I see, i’ve kinda ran into a problem though. I wanted to downgrade Bios versions to get past the “ACPI IS NOT COMPILANT” BSOD when trying to boot Windows 7 installation media. However, even after downgrading, it still goes to the blue screen of death. Do you have any idea what might be causing it, i’ve tried everything…

Thank you and have a lovely day

Why version F.47? Not older?

ACPI version may be incompatible with Win7. As Win XP can not be ran on ACPI 5, Win 7 can not be ran on ACPI version selected in your BIOS. That’s what I think.

Hi Sweet Kitten,

Do you think downgrading the BIOS further will change the ACPI version? It used to work back then with this same laptop but ever since the BIOS update, it just changed.

I’ll try downgrading further anyway, the reason I downgraded to F.47 is because to my knowledge, that is the last known good working configuration that booted to Win7.

If you have any more suggestions, I’d love to hear back from you

Have a lovely day

Try downgrading to the very first version and loading defaults. Then check Win7 booting possibility.

Hello, sorry i took so long

I have been trying to troubleshoot my laptop as when it successfully flashed to the first version in Windows, when it came the time to reboot, it stays on a black screen. I have tried Win+B and Win+V to restore the BIOS and reset the CMOS but neither has worked. It is just stuck at a black screen when trying to turn on.

I have verified that the .FD file flashed onto the laptop is genuine, it is stock and is from the HP Drivers list.

If you could help, that would be really great!

What results gives USB BIOS recovery key? This is one of the selectables from genuine BIOS installer.

Hi again,

I’ve tried BIOS recovery even with the USB and still black screen. I have tried the latest BIOS updates on the HP driver list and still black screen

EDIT: just thought i’d also mention that when turned on, the fan just turns off after about 5-10 seconds

Is there any LED indication?

No, there’s no caps lock blinking and i have looked at the LED lights that flicker on the side of the laptop, only the power LED remains on

you there?


I’m sorry to say that the BIOS can’t be recovered software way. There’s no LED indication on the caps lock, which means crisis recovery sysyem does not respond.
Something went wrong. An the cause of malfunction is this specific BIOS version you downgraded to, which is unexpected.
What are you going to do about it?

Ah, that’s not good.

How did that happen? honestly i’m not sure what i’m going to do, if i can’t fix it i’ll have to replace the motherboard which sucks.

Just thought i should ask, i’ve read here and there that you can recover a dead motherboard with a BIOS programmer.
How would I go about doing that and would it require soldering?

That might work without soldering if the chip has SOIC8 package, but not QFN8.

How would i be able to tell the difference?

I’ve had a look at the BIOS chip on the laptop and it’s a MXIC MX25L6473F. i’ve already ordered a CH341A programmer with clip thinking that it would work.

Thank you!

EDIT: i’ve done a lot of research and i think this might be a SOP8 chip, however you’d probably know better than me. if it is, will it still work without soldering and is it any different compared to SOIC8