[Request] Intel System Bring Up Toolkit

Does anyone have the Intel System Bring Up Toolkit? I’m looking to debug a Raptor lake CPU, which the Intel System Studio doesn’t support.

@notacake Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!

>Here< you can get the download link.
Is your request related to the download link or the usage of the tool?
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks, unfortunately you need a corporate NDA to access it from Intel, which I don’t have.

Why did you post your request here and not >here<?

Because I’m not acting in a corporate capacity, only personal research, so I can’t obtain the NDA.

I’m making the request here as this is where I obtained the CSME tools that are under the same NDA.

In this case you should send a Personal Massage to the starter of the related thread.
Since this thread is not useful for anyone, it will be deleted within the next 2-3 days.