[Request] Kiano Slim Stick 2 64bit UEFI support and hidden options unlock request

Could anyone unlock bios for me?
I am interested to unlock 64 bit UEFI support and a the the resto of hidden bios options.
There is eeprom dump made by means of external programmer.
This is Aptio V bios. At the moment UEFI allows only 32 bit and bios menu is very poor.

Thanks in advance

@pawol - Please explain what you mean BIOS only allows 32bit UEFI?? Are you looking at some setting for that, if yes show me, or what are you doing that makes you think UEFI is 32 or 64 bit??

If you want unlocked BIOS menu, I need images of ALL of your BIOS (every page, every submenu and it’s contents, ALL Settings on ALL pages). Please put them in a max compressed zip/rar, thanks

@pawol - Here, let me know if you can see Adv and Chipset now, if not then one more edit on top of these