Hello! Could anyone help me to get unlocked version of bios. I just need Wake on Lan unlocked, but don’t have that option in my BIOS.
Laptop Lenovo b50-80, InsydeH2o Rev. 5.0
I have CH341A + SOIC, taken apart laptop and a BIOS dump.
Could anyone advise/help with altering the dump I have?
Thank you in advance!
Using UEFITool I found where wake on lan is located: DriverSampleDxe ->PE32 image section.
Using Universal-IFR-Extractor-MOD parsed that section:
0x4F6D9 Suppress If: {0A 82}
0x4F6DB Variable 0x67 equals 0x1 {12 06 67 00 01 00}
0x4F6E1 Setting: Wake on LAN, Variable: 0x1F2 {05 91 FD 03 FE 03 09 00 34 12 F2 01 00 10 00 01 00}
0x4F6F2 Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 07 4E 00 00 00 00}
0x4F6F9 Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 (default) {09 07 4F 00 10 00 01}
0x4F700 End of Options {29 02}
Using HxD changed the value of Variable 0x67 from {12 06 67 00 00 00} to {12 06 67 00 01 00}
Flashed it back using CH341A programm v1.29.
Nothing changed. I did not get a new “Power” menu with “Wake on lan”.
I’m kind of stuck at this point. Any advise would be appreciated!
Thank you