[Request] Modded GeForce RTX 3070 LHR BIOS to make it run with 6GB

hello i need an modified bios for my rtx 3070 lhr version from gigabyte the gaming oc revision 2.0, my problem is a non working memory on the vram B channel and i want to dissable it to run the graphic with only 6gb and making it work for gaming, if i use the actual bios for an rtx 3070 without lhr on my lhr gpu version it gives me a red dot on motherboar gpu problem soo i ask for help with a moded bios for GA104-302 revision A1 id code 2488

here the original bios from my gpu and the bios with already disabled memory channels but only for non lhr gpu version

put a couple of pics of my gpu model and gpuz

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened and customized