[Request] MSI B450M BAZOOKA MAX WIFI update modules and microcode


If possible, please update the efi modules and microcode in the 7C87v15 bios.

Motherboard page: msi.com/Motherboard/support/B450M-BAZOOKA-MAX-WIFI
Bios download link: https://download.msi.com/bos_exe/mb/7C87v15.zip

Im currently running 7C87v15, but would like to test whether updated efi modules and latest microcode would have any effect on system latency, thank you

Ryzen 2600
GTX1060, 6gb
B450M bazooka max wifi
TX550M Gold
SX8200 Pro 500gb

its dated 2021-02-08,should be current as it can get already

realtek undi uefi is dated 2019, not sure about the others that is why I’am asking

latest bios version is 7C87v15 (2021-02-08)

updated bios

thank you, before flashing could I know what was edited, upgraded?

Lan and microcodes if i recall correctly

Just flashed the bios
microcode reports as 800820D -> 800820D
Realtek undi 2.042 -> 2.054 but I can’t confirm this as neither bios or windows ui expose the revision?
OROM 2.66 -> 2.67

Is it possible/worth to upgrade anything else?

Nope thats it for now