[Request]MSI MS-7594 (Intel G43+ICH10)AMI BIOS unlock AHCI Setting

Please help me unlock/unhide this AMI BIOS AHCI Setting (MS-7594 Mainboard is a OEM prodoct for NEC PC-MY29/MK30R), I want to use SSD on it.

BIOS Type: AMI BIOS (Legacy, non-UEFI)
BIOS Vsersion: 484a0600
BIOS Update date: 2012/04/24
BIOS Download site:

MS7594_484A0600.zip (481 KB)

@Zimjames - There is no SATA AHCI settings to unlock, unless you want to disable certain SATA ports or enable/disable SMART. Plug in your SSD and go, the SATA ports are not in IDE mode, since the ports are named AHCI port0 and AHCI port1