[Request] MSI X79A-GD65 (8D) NVMe support

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I’ve found a similar discussion in this other thread, but many similar motherboards were being discussed there. Then, I’m bumping this more specific thread.

It seems some forum members already got the file with the bios mod that was available in the older thread, but the links are now broken. Maybe @stevedri, @Dogf, @zenos2008, or @liwi still have the modded BIOS file available?

Here, you could try this: E7760IMSNVMe.rar (5.0 MB)

Do not use Update BIOS+ME function as it would corrupt the bios afaik (alot of issues with this option in the past, happens with my Z68 GD65)

Resizable BAR is also possible in this bios if you’re interested in it.

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@Koekieezz I think I’ve seen this file somewhere else. Can you confirm this is for this very same motherboard?

Do not use Update BIOS+ME function as it would corrupt the bios afaik (alot of issues with this option in the past, happens with my Z68 GD65)

What is this ME feature you’re talking about? Intel ME, of course.
I’m not sure where would be the option to update just the BIOS or both.

Resizable BAR is also possible in this bios if you’re interested in it.

That’s interesting, but according to Nvidia only newer processors and chipsets are compatible with this technology. Did you get any improvement from it in your setup?

Well yes it’s the same motherboard as i mod it myself, also i got the bios from msi own website.

For rebar, yes, now older boards as long as it does have above 4g decoding option and able to boot off full uefi, it could do rebar. I inserted rebardxe module, all you need to do is to turn the bios into full uefi mode (not uefi+legacy), enable above 4g decoding, and use this app to enable rebar. Run as admin, type 32, enter and reboot. Remember to do this only with compatible gpu with rebar (AMD from rx 470/480 8GB, nvidia from rtx 3000 series) and above 4g decoding enabled with boot mode at uefi only.

My H77 DS3H does rebar with i7 3770s + RX 590GME.

(i flashed to my 590gme to 580 since they’re the same card just rebranded)

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@Koekieezz thanks a lot for sharing!
My GPU is AMD HD 7700, so I don’t think it is compatible with rebar. Next year I will upgrade it.

Did you get PCIe Bifurcation to work? I have a ASUS Hyper M.2 x16 Gen 4 card, so I need bifurcation in order to get more than one NVMe drive to work.

Did the bios work?

Yes, HD 7770/7750 wont work with rebar, but whenever you upgrade to any 3000 series nvidia or 4xx/5xx 8GB polaris or 8gb vega cards minimum, you could do rebar, and make a good use of your board, as long as you could force the bios to do UEFI only and enable Above 4G Decoding.

I didnt enable bifurication yet, but you could test this: E7760IMSsplit.rar (5.0 MB)

PCI_E4 or E1 should run x4x4x4x4 from x16 (should test this wether the first slot or the E4 slot runs at x16 or x4x4x4x4)

And PCI_E6 should run x4x4.


Did the bios work?

I haven’t tried yet because I’m trying to figure out how to be on the safe side.

In case anything goes wrong I don’t have a BIOS programmer, so I’m trying to figure out how to rewrite BIOS A from BIOS B and vice versa if any gets bricked in the process.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Guide] - How to Bifurcate a PCI-E slot