[Request] MSI Z87-G41 BIOS with NVMe Boot Support

I have an MSI Z87-G41 system running Windows 10 Pro, I7-4770, 32GB Ram, etc., that I would like to boot with a PCIe mounted NVMe drive, a new Western Digital Black 1TB. I’ve read through the forum threads about modifying the BIOS to allow boot directly from the drive since the original BIOS won’t support that. I don’t have the tech expertise, tools, or experience to make those changes. Can someone help with the modifications?

Thank you very much,

Edit by Fernando: Thread title customized and shortened

Its all here and very well documented: [HowTo] Get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

You can share then the mod for verification on your preferred sharing service, prior to flash with M-Flash.

EDIT: Hundreds of users have done it, learn and yourself instructed.

Yes, I’ve read through that and other threads. I am hesitant to make the mods myself and saw, presumably for donation, people making the mods so that I can then update modified firmware, etc.

@Matthew Try this mod, just flash it via M-Flash (Bios + ME option if there is any)

E7850IMS.rar (5.85 MB)

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@Koekieezz I made an account with this forum just to let you know-- I tried this out and it worked perfectly!! I’ve even got the NVME adaptor plugged into a PCIe gen 2 slot, with a SATA raid array as my D drive and everything works great!
So thanks very much :smiley:

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Nice to know :smiley:

@Koekieezz, I too made an account on this forum just so I can say “thank you” and your patch worked great for me. Amazing how snappy my computer can boot and run now that it’s on an NVMe. Thank you, thank you, thank you.