[Request]Nvme boot support for Lenovo insyde bios laptop

I have Lenovo B40-30 laptop with insyde bios-Ive been trying to add nvme support for over a year-Ive managed to unlock the bios as uefi shows in desc and I can dump full chip but writing back with fptw prompts a restricted range register error-the sleep bug is only on 9ccn30ww which ive located full rom only (not official OEM .exe with signed flasher) and when flashed back with hardware programmer=equals bricki
things Ive tried and what may work but I need some guidance or even better a working solution
if possible from my fellow modders

Ive extracted an nvme module from a newer lenovo insyde laptop with both the h20 tool and uefi 27,28 and Ispillmydrink version of uefi tool geared towards insyde bios over on github
the reason for this is Ive noticed insyde uses smm and dxe “combo” files both as a single file and thought it best to keep with the format-
comparing both combo smmdxe nvme modules in hex shows differences
Im thinking the h20 tool version may be more accurate due to uefi 27,28 issues becuase when modding OEM file direct the rebuild feature craps out, no file is saved nor can be (probably from secure signature)using h20 I can insert the module into a choice of 4 FV sections and it puts it in for you (you dont have a choice of where) pulling it up after mod with uefi tool shows its placement right after Ip4 line (the earliest free spot when using UEFI tool puts it way under that line toward the end)
the insyde bios I swiped the nvme module from placed their’s inbetween echi and xchi and FV choice FV2 of my bios is where most of the smmdxe combo drivers live so I was thinking thats the best location for the mod so using hardware programmer using my bios with only insyde tools and files results in=brick I can get access to advanced tabs with a keyboard sequence but its no help in flashing modded bios back even with programmer-I tried just the sleepbug bios with no mod with programmer =brick-It looks like the bios needs to be signed as well as the tool that is flashing it
I cant even find a recovery procedure that I could rename my mod and slide it that way
I read once in an intel doc that hardware programmer not guaranteed without certain unlocks
I also read a tutorial on adding your own signature but that was for TCA security insyde bios
buried deep in insyder tools hofft has security cert creation tools but the QA.pvk cert files are gone but strange insydeflhdrv and insydeflhapp.bin files reside not sure their function but it shows repacking everything will use the local .ini file instead of the one inside the bios.bin you are trying to flash-this thing also has TXE not ME so still looking into that
the combo smmdxe nvme file I am using show dependencies so maybe another module needs instructions to boot combo module? like dxe handing off a file to smmpei who then takes on process?
Im familiar with AMI but Ive seen multiple nvme referneces in other bios and my donor nvme bios has nvcme legacy module also so Im scratching my head on the boot process
I found a tutorial on manually editing in the secuity cert with hex but for diff cert that I needed but it gave me an Idea to hex edit in the differences from my dumped bios and with the nvme hex remaing to be added(I dont know what offset to insert it at) when I pull up the partially edited files in insyde h20 it prompts that its a signed file and to resign it when done with h20 tool so I am hoping a final nvme edit will keep cert from breaking

my remaining options which I need help on is
1.signing the modded bios,repacking and using oem tools
problem is I dont know what type of security it has-year of laptop puts it just before RSA and possibly PHAT-somehow between innoextractor and insysde extractor I got a file when opened appears to be the certificate-I have 2 resigning tools for insyde but know neither how to use them nor make the edits needed for the tool to adapt and replace my “certs” which I made using insyde tools and actually flashed my bios with official tools but =brick-I cant remember if I modded the newly signed bios and after a year I cant find the file but even then the nvme insert process for insyde is not confirmed
2. in my quest I discovered opening bios in h20 throws the file uncompressed & decrypted into the laptops ram with hxd able to read and save which h20 is supposed to save into actual running bios but I cant get h20 to “speak” to my bios and hxd has a memory error saving 200mb at a time-to much trouble to stich it back just to avoid hardware programmer but this gave me an idea
you can flash very special areas on the chip so its possible to flash just the nvme.ffs file only-its 31kb and maybe just outside the protected area using insydeflash tool which layers fptw usage but it has a switch /mfg putting it in manufacturing mode and fptw has -disableme which may do the trick before flash attempt

this of course still needs clarification onb where and how to properly add nvme in the first place

any and all ideas will be appreciated

thank you