[Request] NVMe support for Lenovo M73

Dear Sir,

after I modified BIOS, I could not flash it
it showed error" -18 Secure Flash Rom Verify fail"

any suggestion for this issue?
Thank you for your help

1.a. Should I follow ([Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS)
Annex: How to dump the BIOS Region and to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS
by using the Flashrom tool
(valid for mainboards from all manufacturers)
b. UBU processing ->what is UBU?

2. And also what is FPT ?

imagefc.zip (2.5 MB)

@simonhk :

What about using the "Search" box of this Forum? Look >here<.

That is the abbreviation of Intel’s "Flash Programming Tool", which is part of Intel’s Management Engine System Tools. For details look >here<

understand. thank you for your help
Hello @Lost_N_BIOS ,

Can you help? thanks!!