I never knew modding your bios was possible otherwise I would’ve done this years ago when I first got this laptop in 2009!! I’m too afraid to attempt this myself because I don’t want to brick my only laptop, so that’s why I was wondering if any of you guys could mod my bios for me? I am offering a $20 reward via paypal to anybody who can do it. Here’s the link to download the phoenix bios v1.31: DOWNLOAD FROM HERE
Here’s a picture of the Main page on my BIOS. The video memory is greyed out. There is no graphics card on this computer though. I’m really hoping there is some way an option to slightly overclock it appears as well as a way to allow my DDR2 ram to work at 800 mhz because my bios underclocks it even though I have 800 mhz ram installed. I’m also upgrading my CPU later this week from a T4300 to a T9300. I’m good with hardware and messing with circuits, not so good with tinkering with bios. Hence the reason I need your guys help.
If you can unlock this bios for me I will send you $20 USD via paypal.
@ hercules:
Welcome at Wi-RAID Forum!
Maybe there will be someone, who is willing to satisfy your wish, but I just want to remember you, that the intention of this Forum is to help interested users to modify their mainboard BIOS themselves. That is why you find here a lot of guides about how to do it. So please don’t be angry, if you should not get a link to the already modified BIOS within the next days.
By the way: If you should not succeed with your demand here, you may post your request >here<.
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Thanks so much man! I don’t expect a response that quickly. I knew it was going to take some time. Let me know if you know anybody who you can send my way that would be willing to help me.