[REQUEST] Please help remove or decode hardcoded, non-removable AMIBios password

Hi, admin please don’t delete this. I’m a CCTV installer and got a used BOSCH DIVAR IP 5000 4-bay video recorder from a customer. It has a proprietary Bosch ITX mobo with an Atom-based Celeron. It has a user and admin password. I tried clearing CMOS and it only removes user password till next reboot. Admin password remains. The previous user forgot what they set it to. I tried all AMI “backdoor” passwords, none work. Can you please help?

I found the UEFI section with the passwords but do not know what bytes to delete and don’t want to brick the mobo. Please help!

BIOS dump …>> drive.google.com/file/d/1cbe3I0TGBqCoYZLAm97LodEJa3OBc2hr/view?usp=sharing

I got as far as this. Is there two SHA256 hashes?