[Request] Tongfang GM7PG bios

Cpu power limited to 90w(115w - i7 13700h) even though hwinfo shows it’s 140w seems to be locked to 90(with clean windows install nothing but xtu/throttlestop installed still locked and settings wont apply in reality) and I want to unlock it if possible…

Intel ME Version: 16.1, Build 2027, Hot Fix 25

CPU_Settings_Unlocked.zip (8.7 MB)
All the settings you want to change should be visible in Power & Performance > CPU - Power Management Control in your BIOS menu now.

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thanks a lot I’ll try as soon as possible

okay so I flashed it and there is no “power & performance” menu or anything new

FPTW64.exe -bios -f Cpu_Settings_Unlocked.bin

I used the command above and at the end it wrote something like “identical” did I do something wrong?


Tried again with

FPTW64.exe -f Cpu_Settings_Unlocked.bin

now laptop wont get power or turn on is it bricked?

update: my bad with second command I guess all is well now why didn’t it worked? you unlocked oc and cfg but still hide/show problem?