[Request] Unlock Toshiba NB550D BIOS Advanced Menu

Hello, would it be possible to unlock advanced options in the bios for Toshiba NB550D?
BIOS140.zip (1.7 MB)

I see that you included a BIOS dump in the archive. Could you try if it may be flashed back using AFUWIN4?
Or do you have any another way?

The archive comes from the Internet. The rom file can be flashed with Winflash from the archive and Afu4windows. The bios from the archive is working and I currently have it flashed in the laptop. I would like to unlock it though

Try installing this one biosMOD-20110905154437.zip - Google Drive


This message appears when flashing

I also tried with afuwin with the option do not check rom ID. And the same message appears

That’s a big trouble. Some say that AMIBCP could be corrupting bios.

In the newer version, the message still appears Warning : Project ID Check Fail

So, the info found was misleading. ‘Project ID check’ it’s a protection measure against modification for sure. Don’t know what can be done about it. Maybe flashing utility for dos might become a way out. I will get to know.

I found the mod instructions from the link you posted earlier

Any news on this topic?

I can’t reproduce the method described because other utility than AMIBCP needs being used necessarily to mod this BIOS. But I think I should try to figure out how actually AMIBCP corrupts files. And then just repair a mod once it complete.

Well, I found out what AMIBCP and UEFI Tool do with BIOS file. A non-empty pad file right under AmiBoardInfo module is being deleted when saving changes. I put it back in hex. :clown_face:

It’s better. Now it says a version equal to or higher than the current one. I have flashed 1.40 unmodified. I think you should turn off checking the bios version or possibly upgrade the version in the modified bios


Which I have no idea how to do. So I increased the BIOS version number by one.

Now it shows up again Project ID Check Fail. I’ll try to find some command line to bypass the version check

Edit:I don’t see any options and commandline in afuwingui to skip version checking

Edit2: Could you possibly send the modified rom file without integrating with afuwingui? From this post

Well, I found out what AMIBCP and UEFI Tool do with BIOS file. A non-empty pad file right under AmiBoardInfo module is being deleted when saving changes. I put it back in hex. :clown_face:

I found out how to flash the ROM file from your last post. Afuwingui from the original bios update can do it. However there are no additional options in the BIOS. Wouldn’t it be necessary to uncheck visibility as user? It is currently as default

So how?

Let me explain this real quick. I first time trying to modify such BIOS. It is special because it has two sets of tabs with matching names, but they are also split between two BIOS modules. This means visibility adjustments will unlikely change anything. Anyways, I’ll do it in the next mod just to make sure.

In the current one I did swap the IDs between the two modules. Performed actions alike from this posting… To find out what is responsible for tabs display.

Do you remember the first unmodified version? There is an afuwingui that accepts a modified bios version equal to the one already flashed

afuwin utility?

But these afuwin programs are the same except that later I’ve been packing the ROM with the utility together using AMIUCP.
Can you actually flash a ROM version equal to the one already flashed?

I meant the one from the official bios. Even though it’s basically the same, the previous rom flashed
setup.zip (280.1 KB)

This one flashed with this afuwingui from your mods after checking do not check ROM ID. No changes in bios setup