[Request] Unlocked Auros 15G KC BIOS FB07

Hello all,
I’m trying my best to unlock the bios with givin information from this forum.

I currently done so far:
- Check Bios version: FB07
- Booted into RU.exe and used the shell and unlocked bios

made bios dump

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened and customized

biosregionDUMP.rar (6.04 MB)

Anybody kind enough to help me out ?

bump, updated post and added bios dump


Try this mod then respond to the result.

Thanks @genius239. You made my day :slight_smile: Your mod is working!
Ill make sure a donation to you is on the way.


It’s ok! Does now ThrottleStop or Intel XTU is active?

Yes correct. Using Throttlestop now with undervolt :slight_smile: