[Request] Unlocked Clevo NH58HHQ InsydeH2O BIOS

Hello everyone, I’m trying to unlock the BIOS of my Clevo NH58HHQ (Turkish reseller brand: Monster/Model: A5 v16.7) laptop, but I haven’t achieved the desired result yet. I’ve looked at many sources on the internet, but I haven’t found any solution for my model. Can you help me enable the extra features?

Please check this topic, it might help u on ur quest.

Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
Since there was already a thread about the same topic within this Forum, I have merged both threads.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

The topic might be the same, but I am opening a new topic because I tried the solution in the previous one and didn’t get any results. Besides, the model I need help with is different from the one in the previous text. I am looking for someone who can provide a solution based on my model.

It doesn’t make sense to start a second thread about the same topic. Furthermore it would irritate other interested Forum visitors, who want to know how to get the BIOS of their Clevo NH58DEQ modified. Which thread should they join?
As long as the BIOS Modding Request thread is not marked as being “Solved”, it is open for all owners of a Clevo NH58DEQ mainboard, who want to do any kind of BIOS modification.
Hoping for your understanding
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Since the model you mentioned is not the same as mine and furthermore, the solution you provided does not work on my model (the BIOS version is also different), I felt the need to start a new topic. The model I have is written in my first message, and I could not find a solution for my model on the internet.

To create a better draft, I wanted to use the general sentence structures from the previous topic. If you read carefully, you can see that the model is not the same. Now, if you could turn my topic into a separate topic again, other NH58HHQ users will feel more comfortable once the solution is found.

When I decided to merge both threads, I hadn’t realized, that the other topic was about another Clevo NH58 variant - my bad!
I hope everything is is ok now for you. You can change the new thread title at any time by editing the start post.
Good luck regarding your request!

No problem, just being able to reach a solution will make me very happy