[Request] Unlocked Samsung NP450R5G BIOS

Hello, guys :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyone can help me to unlock my Samsung laptop hide settings like for example SATA gen3, ram MHz etc?

I will be grateful.

I try to use amibcp (I see hide options) but no result :frowning:

BIOS file attached

Latest BIOS:


Edit by Fernando: Thread title customized and shortened


what setting youā€™d like to get? Can you post photo of you current bios and their sub menus to know what is visible and what is not.

You might try:

My is AMI BIOS, no Phoenix.

Preferably all if possible, but mainly I care about unlocking SATA3 (6Gb) because it is set to hard Sata II, changing DDR3 1600 memory and more, memory for integrated graphics, process frequency, etc. options from the advanced list.
Many options are understated, although the motherboard and chipset support them.

Please give me one day to earn a photo, Iā€™m traveling.

Thank U for help and support.


Bios is not a dump, its a SEC P04RCA.011.140213.QX 02132014 file CAP (CAPSULE)
It should be worked on a plain extended bios not on this CAP file.
Better use Intel FPT tool from ME8 package for full SPI backup and separate regions, it may be the best option to work on the bios_region, mod it and flash it back with FPT tool if the FD (Flash descriptor) allows writing.
I do not believe that the standard SEC embedded bios flash tool, if thereā€™s one (donā€™t remember) will allow the flashing of a CAP mod file.
Its an old AMI Aptio IV core bios so ā€œleakedā€ versions of AMIBCP 4.x can display if thereā€™s strings with variableā€™s available for what you intend to achieve.
Good luck.

Wdym? You actually need a full SPI backup rom to mod it?

Well I download that file by the Samsung app. I can update this bios file on amidos. I see hidden options by amibcp butā€¦I donā€™t know what next :slightly_frowning_face:
If I try to change default to user and save but when I try to update amidos shows to me secure messages.
Well, I download this file using Samsung app. I can update this BIOS file via amidos. I see hidden options when I use amibcp, butā€¦ I donā€™t know what to do next :slightly_frowning_face:
If I try to change the default to user and update via amidos, I get a security message. I donā€™t know what to do next, itā€™s black magic to me, hence the request for help. There is a thread and a file for a Samsung laptop on another forum, but of a different version, so it can be done. The changelog shows that the following changes have been made:

  1. CPU Microcode Updated to Rev 1C
  2. Boot Logo Updated
  3. SATA Gen 3 (6Gbps) Enabled
  4. OSX PowerManagement Patch (Native Speedstep)
  5. All Advanced Options Unlocked
  6. Unused Modules Removed for Optimization
  7. USB Charge in Sleep Mode
  8. Updated Various OPROMs

I have no idea how he do it.
Guys, Iā€™m completely amateur :slightly_frowning_face:
BTW, something happened to the laptop after updating RAM and disk. When I replaced them, the laptop does not start, i.e. it turns on and the fan spins from time to time, but to start it properly I have to take out the memory stick and insert another one, and so every time I turn it off. Do you think itā€™s because of a problem with KBC? I just disconnected the batteries using the button on it :slightly_frowning_face: (itā€™s a built-in battery).


Hello. I found diffrent bios - 8mb. Can I upgrade it? Previouslly was 4mb.
It will be easier to mod?

BIOS attached


Thatā€™s not an update but a complete firmware image while the file linked first is a Samsung bios region upgrade. Bios region is same version or both files.

So, is not capsuled? It will be easier to modify? Can I update like 4mb bios?