[Request] X99 Deluxe Resizeable BAR


I am using X99 deluxe with bios version 3802 from the official x99 deluxe asus page (I am not allowed to include links because of being a new user)
The only thing the platform is missing is resizeable bar and I would really appreciate it if someone included it.
This picture from gpu-z shows the requirements which are all enabled except the resizeable bar (which the bios does not provide the option because it is old). https:// i.imgur.com/PIAzuek.png

I have never tried modding a bios before so I appreciate your effort and knowledge.

Thank you very much in advance

Not possible, as its seems it has never yet been done or seen, in older chipsets. Requires specific chipset that knows how to communicate with GPU bus resources, feature not present in older motherboards or bios code.