[Request] Xenia 15g 4070 2023ver InsydeH20 bios unlock

Hi guys first time asking for help on a forum, usually I can figure things out on my own with a little research and some youtube videos, but there seems to be non, which leads me to here. I need help with unlocking my gaming laptops bios, non of the things I’ve tried have worked so far. The only methods I’ve tried so far tho are Key combinations and the bios update that they provide on the laptops site , I don’t wanna go deeper than that without proper guidance bc I know if I make one wrong mistake I can brick my computer.

I will provide the zip file of the bios they gave and everything that came with it and also some screenshots of what my bios looks like. Everything in the zip file is stock aside from the docx tutorial file they provided(converted to pdf that’s it) and my bios back up file named, “biosreg.bin” in the ‘ALL’ folder.


Since you didn’t really tell what you want to be unlocked or shown:

BIOS Lock is : 0x1C in Setup
Use either common “setup_var” or "RU.efi", or H2OUVE.
To unlock flashing the BIOS with “FPTW64.exe bios.bin -f -BIOS
VarStore: Me FW Image Re-Flash: 0x3
To allow flashing ME Part with “FPTW64.exe me.bin -f -ME
After that, you can choose if you want to allow flashing to other parts like Descriptor (-DESC)

To enable options you can’t see in the BIOS Setup. →
Use Tool “H2OEZE” in the “Setup” part to modify the options.

If you are lucky, and you don’t get hit with
EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED” or “EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION” you can easily do the setup_var and unlock Flashing with FPT.

If you do get hit with those errors, solution is external programming.