[Solved] Nvidia's latest Graphics Drivers do not work with Win7!

Due to Microsoft’s mandatory requirements, Microsoft and other third-party digital signature certificates no longer effectively support Win7 drivers. So, after installing the latest Win7 driver on Nvidia’s official website, there are prompts indicating 52 code errors that cannot be used. It is not difficult to solve this driver, and there are two methods.

The first method is to modify the system’s files:
Modify the files ntoskrnl. exe, winload. exe, and winload. efi, and then replace them to solve Microsoft’s digital signature authentication function.

The second method is to driver supplementary signatures:
Simply add SHA256 signature to the driver’s sys file with an old digital certificate. But not everyone has compliant digital certificates, so I use the existing digital certificates on hand to supplement the driver’s signature. This solves the latest driver issue without damaging NVIDIA’s original signature.

Specific operating steps:

  1. Download the latest driver and use the decompression software to extract it.
  2. Open the folder, locate the Display.Driver folder, and delete the nvlddmkm.sy_ file inside.
  3. Download the file I shared, and place nvlddmkm.sy_ in the Display.Driver folder.
  4. Return to the previous menu, run the setup.exe file in the folder, and follow the Nvidia prompt to proceed.
    Here is the download link,

    Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened and specified

Can you do this but with the 8.x patch?

Replace bytes
77 02 32 C0 C3
90 90 32 C0 C3

I don’t understand what dou you mean.
Do you want to modify the ntoskrnl.exe/winload.exe/winload.efi for win8/8.1?

Patch nvlddmkm.sys with those hex bytes and sign that.

Here is the file:https://disk.yandex.ru/d/kskTn6RKImigfw
Can you tell me what will happen on the system modify like this?

Basically Nvidia added an artificial block to prevent 3000 series cards from working on 8.x, and this is the fix for that.

Great!Do you know PCI-E 3060M/3080M card for PC?Can they work on win7?I try to mod the driver but it will code 43 error.

I think they should work, at least with a good inf mod, but not sure. Could maybe try more hex edits from here if the infs are good.

Also what laptop and do you have Optimus on or off and what iGPU do you have if applicable?

It is not a laptop, the video card is a pci-e card use mobile chips.

Ah, I have been wanting the drivers provided with one of those cards to pick apart. Can you send me the 10 drivers so I can compare them with the stock drivers? Or if you don’t have any ask your seller or any seller of those cards for them?

Therefore, it has strict drive restrictions and can only be driven in a special way. These are two combined drivers. First install setup-1, and then restart. After restart, install setup-2, and restart the drive again to work normally. I found 512.15 and 512.59 to drive this video card.
setup-1 driver:30678m-setup-1.exe — Яндекс Диск
setup-2 driver:30678m-setup-2.exe — Яндекс Диск
When I try to install a separate MOD win7 driver, 43 code errors will be prompted.

I’m guessing you already have the card, try installing setup 1 only, see what happens. Then DDU and try setup 2 only. I want to see if both are required, which seems very unlikely to me, but knowing how fucky these drivers can be you never really know.

Driver 1 isn’t 512.15, the driver version is older. Driver 2 however is 512.15 going by the version of nvlddmkm.sys.

Not sure what version Driver 1 is as I get no relevant results searching it. I do get various driver versions, so might just have to trial and error.

Driver1 is drive to cheat the Nvidia device check. If not install driver1 first,the driver2 will code43 error.

Well, that leads us to an issue. I went and looked for drivers, and I noticed a pattern in the drivers. The last 5 digits are the driver version. The version of nvlddmkm.sys in driver 1 is This gives us 471.71. I can find various mentions of the driver online, but it looks like it was quickly pulled as I can’t find any other trace of it existing.

So I did more research, Display.Driver is basically fully 471.71, except for nv_disp.cat and nv_dispig.inf. I think all the other files are stock unmodified, unless they have stolen Nvidia SHA256 certs. Could make sense since there’s no Microsoft WHQL(?) cert on nvlddmkm.sys, but also doesn’t make sense because of something that comes up later.

Everything else is stock 512.15 except setup.cfg which looks to just have had some Eula stuff removed so it doesn’t crash when it finds that they’re missing. I see nothing that would launch setupzbc.exe or tcedit, so I looked into them.

Setupzbc.exe appears to be malware. Not sure what, some things say ransomware, others not. Not entirely sure what it does, but it does nothing to anything Nvidia. So it looks to be useless unless the installer launches it with a command to modify something.
If you want to look more into it, here’s the Hybrid Analysis page.
Also the icon is from this pack if you’re curious.

tcedit.exe looks to just be stock Windows 10 regedit. Not sure why it exists, maybe because executing regular regedit.exe would be suspicious, but there’s so much antivirus software that picks up Setupzbc.exe that it makes no sense. I think it’s used to add hcert.cfg to registry, which makes nv_disp.cat signed and not throw any errors.

Both drivers have only 1 inf, and it appears to just be the desktop inf. This makes me think that if we make a proper desktop inf, 474.44 should just work with these cards. Will try to make a full nvcleanstall modified 474.44 inf with 3000 on 8.x, and the mobile chips ids too. If this doesn’t work, someone with Ida will have to look into it. (how the 8.x fix was found)

I also found these, could be relevant

This looks to be a new setup 1 without all the sus stuff. I think it might still need part 2, but the links are dead so idk. Could maybe ask if you know Russian or have a Russian friend.
Driver appears to actually be 511.73 going by file version.

I don’t understand what is being said in the video, but going by the comments I’m inferring that it’s a PSA about malware being in the drivers.

I haven’t tested this, but this is the 474.44 inf with every device that should/could work under 7. I went through the 471.71 drivers, 474.44 7 quadro, modern 10 game ready, and modern 10 quadro.
nv_dispi.zip (24.9 KB)

Use this inf file, still code 43 error. I think it have someting stop to make it work.

Unless you know how to use Ida, you’ll probably have to ask this guy for help. He found the 8.x patch.


Thanks, I will try it.