Resolving an A5 BSOD in windows7 using grub2?


I did not have much time to test today, but I did check whether or not resolving these "Value below valid range " errors in the 2005 compiler would resolve the BSOD - Unfortunately it did not, but the problem is definitely somewhere in this table since the BSOD again had the 20051117 signature.


Make a try under XP with the new acpi.sys for XP SP1 here


Your new acpi.sys did not work for me - still stuck at "Setup is Starting Windows"


I take a look, how we solve the BSOD on Ryzen for XP64.
We check one by one all the Acpi Bsods and solve them.
This will work for Threadripper board also, the question is here how to notice the exact Bsods
when nothing is given out. Have you tried XP there without any acpi?
Because the Bsod comes after "Setup is Starting Windows" I still think,
that the compi has a problem with the connected disks.
Make try only with only one harddisk <=2TB connected, put out your graphikcard and disable in Bios as much as possible.
When you succeed to install XP without any acpi, make next try with different acpis


without ACPI it seems to go a little further - mouse and keyboard turn off - but it still gets stuck at "Setup is Starting Windows"

I’ll disconnect the disks again.

Threadripper does not have an iGPU, So I need to have something installed in the top pcie slot to get any image output.


"without ACPI it seems to go a little further - mouse and keyboard turn off - but it still gets stuck at "Setup is Starting Windows"
Then the problem is not only related in acpi. Put an old graphicard in, disable nearly all in Bios
and make try without any acpi (via F5, "Standard PC")

PS: You can make also a try with the old graphikcard in another (!) Pci-e slot.
I remember about the for Macintosh fixed DSDT, that this board has problems with shared lines.
Such a problem with shared lines I have had also with my Baytrail board.


OK, I’ll need to go buy an old GPU then - would GTX 700 series be OK?

yes, any will work


If you have time tomorrow, can I get a copy of each one of your ACPI tables from your AMD Ryzen system? (assuming you still have it?) - I’d like to compare them to see the differences between them.


Yes I have, but those tables will not help you.
Even between nearly identic compis you cant share DSDT.
You can look at the Macintosh people, what they changed.
And best would be to set up a Windbg connetion.
For this use an XP without any Acpi from an other compi on a harddisk and connect this to your compi


would you mind sharing your SSDT tables at least?

also, I’ve never used windbg before, so I would need help to learn to use it.

Has this Threadripper board a COM connector?
If not, the new debug methode via Lan or USB from @Mov_AX_0xDEAD can help.
And you need a second compi.
Not all Lan ports work with this methode but most USB.
Download all the needed files from Git, where Move post them. I tested them, work.
And you need a second compi


It has debug LEDs, but I don’t see anything like a COM port anywhere on the diagram.

The 2 NICs are 2.5gb Intel variants, I hope that’s not an issue.
my mistake, they are just regular 1 gigabit

Which name have the Lan ports, because not all are supported.
And which name have the Lan ports on the second compi?

PS: And may be, that @Mov_AX_0xDEAD can help us with Lan, with port that is not official supported.


The gigabyte website says these are i210at Ethernet controllers.

May be, that they work, because XP has drivers for them. The i219 work not, I tried.
And I remember, that you also can use a lan card, connected to an Pci-e slot,
so debug session should work in any case

Oh good, then I can just get a cheap realtek NIC and use that if I need to.

Now you need another compi,
from where we do all.
For lan debug you can put XP SP3 on this other compi too,


I have my AB350 Ryzen system with XP on it that I can use.

also, Can I see your SSDT tables?

"Can I see your SSDT tables"
For this I need to build up everything on my Ryzen system.
And I have the same system as you,
so not so much sense