[Solved] Alienware x51 R2 Bios Unlock

The computer is an Alienware x51 R2 (0PGRP5) Bios Ver. A12. What I have tried so far is… Used UEFI Tool to extract Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup.sct, changed 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 to 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01. Used AMIBCP v4.55 to Change what menu entries I wanted to User, Hid the ones I didn’t want. Flashed ok with Intel ME System Tools v9.1 (FPT Dos) version. The issue i think is Alienware has this special Clickable Bios Ui That says Alienware Instead of American Megatrends. Only very specific tabs are ever available on it, it seems. The Most I accomplished ever is make it “blank”. I Did brick it once messing around too much with the code. Managed to fix it with a Bios chip programmer. I bought “after the fact” thankfully however I still managed to fix. Thanks to what i learned from coder geniuses.

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened and customized

Were you brave enough to try removing SimpleClickBIOSUI DXE driver? Didn’t work?

yes as a matter of fact i did do that. it didn’t brick it tho. it didn’t work

Then the ui sits not there but in a different driver. Don’t know which one honestly.
Never seen anyone accomplished switching to classical ui by bios modification. My best guess on this is to try replacing the PE section of amitse driver. Since amitse is connected to cpu, to its vendor and family if more specifically, I’d suggest picking some similar device like x51 R1,

You made this by changing the byte sequence to 00?
If your actual goal is to get to the settings in some tab, I can make an attempt to swap one tab with another without altering their quantity or the byte sequence.

Bios.zip (2.4 MB)

Here is the Bios thanks for helping. i dont need the security tab maybe that could be swapped for chipset i don’t know


Gave it a shot. it booted fine. But the Security tab no longer had wording. when i clicked it, it mad the ui freeze and it was blank. The bios i gave you was unmodified. should i try to change some things to user, maybe delete the clickbiosui again. I don’t mind seeing what would happen if you switch the other tabs?

This won’t help. What I did is replaced id of Security with Chipset in setup and setup data modules. ID 04 with 1C. I made 0 changes to the Security.
The security tab is not only inaccesible now, but it didn’t change its name although bios cannot find it anymore.

Everything is going to be the same if I do it again but with the others.

It must be PE section of “amitse” controls the tabs. I’m going to search further.
EDIT: Couldn’t find any clue in this driver.

You may try my new mod: ThaDruSta~2.zip.
Tried to replace one of the least significant items (PXE Option menu) with Chipset. Find it under Advanced - Integrated Devices - Chipset. Not as fancy as having the menu on the top bar, but if it works, it works.

It’s listed sure enough it said Chipset even seen your description. However similar to last time as soon as I go to expand it the ui freezes and i have to shut down. Hmm what could be making it do that? So thankful for your help really.

Well, I’m sure the mod method I used last time works. I confirmed this several times on other boards.

Bios may freeze due to the chipset menu not being loaded into database. Could you set the sequence to 01 in my last mod and try again?

That was it! It worked! Kindly could you do the rest of the tabs like that. They May not have text for what they are but they still have fancy symbols.

Great. Did not expect that. Im curious if this could be the reason why the 1st mod didn’t work. Mind if I ask you to check while I’m unlocking the rest of the tabs for you?

i will thanks again.

I think everything’s correct.

========== Section_Freeform_subtype_GUID_setupdata_AMITSE_AMITSE_body.bin ==========
Floppy Drive BBS Priorities | QuestionId 0x9: Ref from 5B00 to 0100, Main
Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities | QuestionId 0xA: Ref from 5800 to 0300, Advanced
USB HardDisk Drive BBS Priorities | QuestionId 0xB: Ref from 5C00 to 2700, Chipset
CD/DVD ROM Drive BBS Priorities | QuestionId 0xC: Ref from 5900 to 4B00, Security
NETWORK Device BBS Priorities | QuestionId 0xD: Ref from 5A00 to 4600, Boot

========== Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup.sct ==========
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 to 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

========== Section_Freeform_subtype_GUID_MiniSetupResourceSection_Setup_Setup_body.bin ==========
Renamed and unsuppressed the items


Find new items as show in the picture

Yes appreciate it. everything is nice neat. Could you tell me on the first test. Did you indeed switch the security tab for the opposite security tab? if so then yes original test passed. I was thinking you switched it with chipset. but that was only my suggestion i dont think you actually did that though. I was going crazy there trying to troubleshoot. that’s what took so long.

I switched it with chipset. If it really shows you the opposite security, I’m trippin’.

If that’s the case then it’s better that you did it this way. Get All the tabs that way. I even confirmed that the timing settings work for ram. no more having to use grub to set em. Fyi how i bricked it a while back. I got desperate and replaced PE32 Setup from Alienware x51 r3. that computer used ddr4 and everything. well actually seen the boot logo once. then proceeded to corrupt the image. after that only error beeps. noob mistake. I was beginning to think it was impossible to unlock this bios many tried and failed. But you actually done it. So Grateful!

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