[SOLVED] Ideapad 330S-15IKB invalid data on bios


I have an Ideapad 330S-15IKB PC whose motherboard I changed today. It comes from the famous Aliexpress site …
The problem is that the MTM, Product ID etc is not present in the bios and my keyboard does not work on the digital pad side.

I could read that it came from this missing information and I would like to fix the problem.

Is it achievable? I found a website explaining how to extract a bios.exe file and get an editable .fd file but I don’t know how to extract the current bios from my computer. Is it necessary or is there a tool capable of rewriting in the bios directly under Windows (or bootable USB key)?

Thank you in advance for your future help :slight_smile:

Have a good day


Hi friend,
have you the previous bios backup from the older MoBo , have you the System Data to know which were into the older one ?
Have you an SPI CH341a programmer …
Use this tool run it as Admin and upload the result file :


There are some tools to rewrite back the System Data, but not always working, then it’s possible to make hex edit to get it.
Let me know


I can’t do a backup from the older MoBo because it doesn’t work anymore. That’s why i change it for a new one.
I have an SPI programmer , maybe i can try to read the bios from the older MoBo with it ? To be honest, i don’t remember how to use it.

The result is here : h t t p s: / / drive.google.com/file/d/1dyyAlCfMwMOeWxbaLS9Gn8mUFJNJoQjD/view?usp=sharing

Sorry, i don’t have rights for direct link :confused:

Thank you :slight_smile:

It’s very easy , you have to download the software for the Win10, ASProgrammer 1.41 , install it (install driver Parallel version), and then connect the clip to eeprom and try to find your eeprom , there is a buttom “?” it will show the Eeprom ID found, double click on the first one and try to read the chip.
Here is the tool :


Let me know

On the old MoBo, impossible to read the ID of the chipset. I put all in the right side , i’m sure of it but all the time, it’s unknow. Maybe it must have batterie or adapter plugged in?

Yes you can try, many times it helps !

Ok friend, so you modified your Firmware as Descriptors are unlocked :

Fixed: Yes
Base: 0h
Address: FF800000h
Offset: 0h
Full size: 1000h (4096)
ME region offset: 1000h
BIOS region offset: 200000h
Region access settings:
BIOS access table:
Read Write
Desc Yes Yes
BIOS Yes Yes
ME Yes Yes
GbE Yes Yes
PDR Yes Yes
EC Yes Yes
Flash chips in VSCC table:
EF4017 (Winbond W25Q64)
C84017 (GigaDevice GD25x64)
207017 (Unknown)

But you Bios has variables that locked the Eeprom rewrite back , so we have this error :

Error 368: Failed to disable write protection for the BIOS space.
FPT Operation Failed.

Now to rewrite back the Firmware Recovered we have two choices

1. Use the CH341a + Pomona clip
2. Unlock the variables and use Intel Fpt

Eeprom Unlock Mod :

0xA6235 One Of: Flash Protection Range Registers (FPRR), VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x612, VarStore: 0x5, QuestionId: 0x331, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 BD 11 BE 11 31 03 05 00 12 06 10 10 00 01 00}
0xA6246 One Of Option: Disabled, Value (8 bit): 0x0 {09 07 54 00 00 00 00}
0xA624D One Of Option: Enabled, Value (8 bit): 0x1 (default) {09 07 53 00 30 00 01}
0xA6254 End One Of {29 02}

0xB1E97 Suppress If {0A 82}
0xB1E99 QuestionId: 0x6A equals value in list (0x1) {14 08 6A 00 01 00 01 00}
0xB1EA1 One Of: BIOS Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x17, VarStore: 0x5, QuestionId: 0x7A8, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 67 09 68 09 A8 07 05 00 17 00 10 10 00 01 00}
0xB1EB2 One Of Option: Disabled, Value (8 bit): 0x0 {09 07 54 00 00 00 00}
0xB1EB9 One Of Option: Enabled, Value (8 bit): 0x1 (default) {09 07 53 00 30 00 01}
0xB1EC0 End One Of {29 02}
0xB1EC2 End If {29 02}

FPRR : 0x612

BIOS Lock : 0x17

These Variables have to be modified changing values from 0x01 to 0x00 searching for this GUID

(PchSetup) {24 1F F1 B7 70 45 E8 AD 43 49 8D C3 40 64 72 84 23 84 05 00 61 06 50 63 68 53 65 74 75 70 00}
---------------> <---------------------------------------

F1 B7 70 45 E8 AD 43 49 8D C3 40 64 72 84 23 84 >> (Little Endian) F1 B7 70 45 E8 AD 43 49 + (Big Endian) 8D C3 40 64 72 84 23 84 >>

45 70 B7 F1 AD E8 49 43 8D C3 40 64 72 84 23 84 >> GUID: 4570B7F1-ADE8-4943-8DC3-406472842384

Let me know, what do you want to try …

Impossible to read the bios with the hardware… I try on other board with success but not on this one.
Maybe it’s better to try with software solution if it’s possible?
Thank you :slight_smile:

You need to get all your DMI Data … You got them ?

in example …

Model name: 81FB
Lenovo s/n : YD04KB1H
Factory id: GXSC
UUID: 505BC2BF-CFB5-2018-0604-141158000000

Otherwise i can give a Firmware to flash and get these infos , but differents …
Let me know

i just have the sticker under the laptop. I have MO , Mfg date, MTM,Model name, Factory ID, S/N and it have a sticker on the MoBowith a number like : 311204510611S2…
Is it ok ?

Into your Firmware are missed these infos :

Lenovo ideapad 330S-15IKB
ideapad 330S-15IKB

I am seraching yet others …


Is there a step by step guide to modifying dumped Bios with a CH341A please?
I took too much time at BDMaster (thank you very much for everything) and I don’t want to abuse …
Thank you :slight_smile:
PS: BDMaster, send me a PM just to pay my dues. Thank you

hi friend, there is no problem to help you , everytime you want i will be available fro you …
Here is a Guide started by Sml6397 and i am writing too, you will begin to learn about UEFI and a Phoenix Bios , but it’s full of experiences …




Start here and then go here too :


CodeRush and Donovan6k, they were the mentors for us all …


You should be able to correct the entries using the LVar tool. Grab it from here.


Nice to see that you’re active here.

Now i can feel at home :wink:
Nice to me you are here my friend, from long time i didn’t make nothing i’m back again , but on MDL a lot of things are changed …
Good to know you are here too so i will write you here !

Hello all,

So after change again the MoBo, issue still the same… The numeric part of keyboard doesn’t work.
I try to do a fresh install of Windows and nothing more.

When the PC starts, it is impossible to turn on the Num Lock key but as soon as Windows loads, then the indicator lights up without ever working. It is not possible to turn it off and the number keys as well as the “+”, “-”, “Enter”, “*”, “/” and “Del”.
I tried a lot of things with BDMaster (thanks again) but it doesn’t work.

I ordered a new keyboard but the problem was the same.
I admit being totally lost …

Strange thing: if I write the original bios on the new card, it will take more than 30 seconds to start. If I inject the bios supplied with the motherboard, then the pc starts up instantly.
I don’t understand what reconditioners are doing in China, it’s really weird …

Can you help me ? Do you have an idea?

Thank you !

End of story.

It is in fact necessary to change this resistance of position in order to put back the configuration correctly.

I think this is a way of configuring the type of keyboard according to the geographical areas but in a hardware way …

Incredible and almost impossible to find if the technician had not referred me.


I have the same problem with a motherboard that I bought on Aliexpress for the same laptop model: 330s-15ikb, in the bios the MTM and Product Name are INVALID. I also cannot access the information of the original board because that board no longer turns on and I don’t have an SPI CH341a programmer.
I have tried to use the Lvar tool but I have not been successful, when I have written, using cmd window with administrator permissions, for example, the command:
LvarWin64v229.exe /w /pn /c "Lenovo Ideapad 330S-15IKB"
responds "Other error."

What am I doing wrong?
Is there any way I can fix the problem?

so far I’ve been able to run the commands for Product Name, MTM, and S/N

first :

LvarWin64v229.exe /w /pn /c "Ideapad 330S-15IKB"

After I runned the command:

LvarWin64v229.exe /r /pn
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 - 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ASCII
------------------------------------------------- ----------------
00 |49 64 65 61 70 61 64 20 - 33 33 30 53 2d 31 35 49 Ideapad 330S-15I
01 |4b 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 KB…
02 |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
03 |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
3ff |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …


LvarWin64v229.exe /w /mt /c "81F500JNLM"


LvarWin64v229.exe /r /mt
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 - 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ASCII
------------------------------------------------- ----------------
00 |38 31 46 35 30 30 4a 4e - 4c 4d 00 00 00 00 00 00 81F500JNLM…
01 |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
02 |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
03 |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
3ff |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …

and did the same for sn, then reboot, but in the bios still the same invalid parameters.

What am I doing wrong?