[SOLVED] Lattepanda Alpha 864s NVMe boot


I have a specific problem with NVMe boot on a Lattepanda Alpha 864s.

For some reason the onboard eMMC where Win10 OS is installed is corrupt. The complete Users folder is inaccessible. It’s a eMMC error, because the controller locked it to read only. No recovery, no new installation is possible.

Ok, then simply install a NVMe SSD and forget that eMMC thing.

Installation is a success, but BIOS can´t boot from it. It is not selectable as primary boot drive. I checked some things, booted into (BIOS) EFI shell. Everything is fine there, AMI NVMe Bus Driver is present, I see the drive, I can mount it and I can see every file.

At some point BIOS prevents listing of that drive in the bootlist.

Is it possible to fix that?
I made some bios mods in the past, but for this issue a have no idea at the moment.

It is a known problem in the Lattepanda forums, but there is no support, no BIOS updates, nothing. So I have to do it on my own.

Thanks in advance

CDJQ-BS-7-S70KR300-KF65A-101-M.zip (4.47 MB)

Ok guys,

all the time I avoided the insertion of the NVMe DXE Module into the BIOS ( >here< ), but after realizing that it would not matter if I damage the BIOS because of the bricked eMMC, i finally tried it.

It worked, after reinstall of Win10 on the NVMe drive.