[Solved] Lenovo Flex 5-14ARE05 bricked/black screen

Hi have the same problem with a brick Lenovo in the middle of a bois update.

Got me a bios chip reader/burner but failed to success with flashing the bios and editing it.

anyone can assist with editing the bin file and adding my laptop SN?


Thanks in advance!

Post / attach the dump / backup of the bricked firmware.

When extracted the original damaged bios I accidentally pull only 512kb…
And then erased it
Is it possible to managed without the full bios?

Possibly if you find the Lenovo tools somewhere. Some Lenovo bios updates for Thincentre ask for new serial, but I’ve seen Laptops updates mostly not asking.

I downloaded the bios 1 and bios 2 files that were posted here and bios 2 was successfuly loaded and the laptop is back to life!!
Thanks for the info, great forum

Hello everyone, I also updated the bios to a friend of mine’s flex 4 14ARE05 and I found myself in this situation. I purchased the CH341A programmer and I think I managed to read the inside of the bios, I attach it in the message, now what should I do? SN: R90YD&XN


Can’t find a flex 4, serial isn’t valid and dump may not be valid.

Did you dump the file twice with a 100% identical result?

Hey tnx, flex 5 sorry, the exact model is the flex 5 15ARE05 R90YD6XN (wrong serial in previous post), i updated with the latest bios on lenovo site before the brick (EECN44WW version). How can I compare the various dumps? I bought the CH341A programmer without the 1.8 volt adaptor, is necesary? Tnx

ok i have compared 2 dump yersterday and today, with hxd, the dump results as identical

That’s a good start, but your dump has 8 MByte and the Lenovo firmware has 16 MByte?

What’s the chip identifier?

made a couple of dumps, this time with asprogrammer and adapter, the chip was recognized, this is the dump:

Now I don’t know what to do anymore. Tnx

AMD is difficult/ unpredictable because of the large propietary firmware blobs with no known structure.

But the last EFI volume should be static firmware code and while all the structured parts of the firmware are EECN44WW the last EFI volume is not. I hope this is just static code and nothing gets changed when in use, but I can’t unfortunately check for older versions since versions earlier than EECN42WW aren’t available any longer.

So I replaced the last EFI volume, might work or might not work…

newdump1c.zip (5.4 MB)

Hey on another forum an user give me another bios and worked, flashed some minutes ago, the pc started to work. Thank you for help :slight_smile:

Well, you have now possibly his serial and windows code, but anyway.

I cheched, he modified with my serials, but now when i start the pc, want the ac adapter to make a bios update o.O

I was able to fix my brother’s Flex 5 thanks to the information in this topic. I wrote a blog post detailing my steps if it helps anyone else to repair theirs.

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Hello all, Can someone please repair this dump? I cannot figure out how to get my SN, ME, etc information into a working BIOS .bin file to reflash my chip. I have extracted the .CAP from the most recent BIOS update on Lenovo’s website (EECN44WW) but I’m not sure which data i need. Thanks so much. My SN is R90ZK3M0 and model is 81X2. Upload Files | Free File Upload and Transfer Up To 20 GB

thanks for the great tutorial, after following this the flex 5 is booting but I’m receiving an error right after pressing power that “new CPU installed. fTPM NV corrupted or fTPM NV structure changed” etc etc etc. is this normal? i have the option to pick yes or no

Thanks to everyone above for incredibly clear info!
I’ve had this same problem, and have ordered a programmer with the 1.8V converter.

Question: how can I identify the current (corrupted) BIOS version so I can download the correct one from the lenovo site to flash onto my machine? Apologies if that was stated above and I’ve missed it, I do think I read everything though!