[Solved] Msi B150A Gaming Pro with Xeon 1225 v5 Bios Mod

I got a msi b150a gaming mother and im trying to flash a bios with me disable so i use it with a xeon 1225 v5. I check some posts on winrad but currently cant succes with a working bios for the xeon so if someone has one i apreciate can give me a copy. Thanks

(I got problems flashing, solved it desoldering the chip and soldering to one of the programmer boards that come with the kit, was a contact issue that dont let flash correctly, i leave the problem description so someone has those symptons)
Im flashing with a ch341a (the new one with voltage switch), and gives me SREG: 01000000(0x40) cp is activated and i cant turn it off; wich is weird because it allow me to erase now the bios is full FF, and let me write but stop at 0x000000010 so its write protected in diferent bp parts.

I check voltages, asprogramer, neoprogramer, diferents versions and what i assume is the bios is just locked on software level and readding the datasheet there is some commands to allow writting but not sure how to send it on neoprogramer in the section “script”, i asked to chat gpt and give me this commands:
; Enable writing

; Write Status Register to disable protection
SEND_COMMAND 0x31 ; Write Status Register
WRITE_DATA 0x00 ; Disable BP0-BP3

; Optionally, read the Status Register to verify
SEND_COMMAND 0x05 ; Read Status Register

this is the bios chip data (Macronix MX25L12873F):

there it explain the dataprotection and the commands.

I also check the jumpers JME1 is for disable ME (try it dont work) also JCI1 its for the case sensor, so this mother dont have a jumper to write protect the bios

An SPI programmer doesnt care for any jumpers.
Some SPI circuits power design interfere in CH341A coms, available options are JSPI1 header or de-soldered IC and programmed outside, or several flash apps.
The ME jumper (On this board???..) is for soft access to the SPI regions but usually MSI boards have the FD unlocked for FPT read/write to almost every region.

Thanks; yeah i also think the jumper dont gonna work but when searching some people says that his mother have it so i check it.
Desoldering the chip or replacing it is a option but im gonna wait a bit if it appear a way to turn off the write protection. Also some people take the bios off and still got the same problem.

I’ve solved it, I found that the Celeron 3900 and the Xeon 1225 v5 have different thickness, so when placing the Xeon it make a lot of force on the pins (on a motherboard with damaged pins that I bought for 15usd), so it made bad contact and failed. I loosened the screw on the socket a little and its a more lose so now its working without problems.

Regarding the BIOS I using the 1a0 because it worked for a moment before I found the contact problem; but I think it should work with most even with the latest one (1g0); you just have to disable ME with Coffetime and maybe disable the ME warning message that is bit annoying at the start.

Im using a cheap M2 adapter and it works fine, I haven’t tried with two.