[Solved] Need help after having bricked the MB BIOS


first hello to the community, this is my first post but I did not find a welcome post!

I got a Asrock 970 Pro3 R2.0 motherboard and flash a moded bios with UBU (i do it myself :smiley: ) and now my computer not start :frowning: I can not find a way to flash by emergency usb like some motherboards and my next option is buy a external programmer and flash from other pc. the Chip is WINBOND 25Q32FVAIQ / 1810 and not soldered

Google and this forum find some information and can buy CH341A programmer from aliexpress and is come in apro. 2 weeks (to Spain) i got some questions:

Is this programmer compatible with Window 10?

The chip is 8 pins and is not soldered, can im connect directy to the programmer or need some adapter?

Thank you!

Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Your chosen title is somehow misleading. What about β€œNeed help after having bricked the MB BIOS”?
Since I am not an expert regarding your specific problem, I hope that someone else (e.g. @Lost_N_BIOS ) can help you.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks @Fernando I upgrade the topic :slight_smile:

About my question, i see a video and is posible to connect the chip directy to the programmer and is windows 10 compatible!

If someone known other option until im wait for the programmer?

Thank you!

EDIT: i check the rapsberry pi post but not see my chip compatible :frowning:

Im finally solved it! with raspberry pi thread [Guide] Recover from failed BIOS flash using Raspberry PI

The only diference is add ,spispeed=1000 at the end of the command: sudo flashrom -w 970P3R22.80 -V -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=1000

970P3R22.80 is the name of my original bios, just download the original file from asrock website. After this, my computer start and got bios access.

Thank you for the raspberry pi post.

EDIT: Here where i find the information about add spispeed: https://www.flashrom.org/RaspberryPi

Great you have solved the issue yourself, without even having to wait on a CH341A programmer, great work and thanks for posting the Pi info for others who may find this later!