Strange Insyde bios issue

I recently experienced a strange issue. Possiblely BIOS related. I backed up laptop BIOS then disassembled wireless module rtl8723bu. Then the laptop went blank screen. I dumped the BIOS again and compared with previously backup and found some difference. I tried to flash the previously backup bios but with same blank screen. I did not put back the wireless module rtl8723bu. I doubt this wireless chip has something to do with the booting blank issue. It is a Insyde H2O UEFI bios and has MAC of the wireless insyde BIOS. Any help?
The bios dump before everything went south attatched below.
The bios dump after booting blank attached below.
I am not sure bios corrupted or not.

Can you name the laptop model so that I don’t go into the dump to find out?

enz r34

No luck.
Your dumps are ok. The difference may be in the content of NVData (date/time, vars), and due to bios compression, the files look different.