ThinkPad T440P - No Display after Flashing BIOS

hi, i recently flash my lenovo thinkpad t440p bios replacing stock bios with coreboot and with ch341-a external flasher, i been doing this few times and it always success, last time i doing this i put the external flasher on the correct orientation both on top and bottom chip, and the flashrom gave me success and verified flash on both chip but somehow when i power on the laptop it just blank, no display, no fan spinning, no beeping sound, how to fix it?

I don’t think I understand the question?

You have an external programmer and did program your machine earlier. So either the firmware you created isn’t working properly or it’s not flashed properly.
Dump your SPI again and compare this dump to the original file and if they’re identical flash back one of the older working versions?

so basically i flash coreboot on my thinkpad t440p but forgot to unlock flash region, i updated the coreboot image with the latest release but i cant flash the image internally since i forgot to unlock flash region so i have to flash the coreboot rom file manually, when i power on the light is turned on but no display, the fan is not spinning, no beeping too, i double check everything and its success and verified i dont know what is wrong, i try to flash the stock bios and still same, i have experience flashing with ch 341a on my other laptop and does not have this kind of problem. i double check the rom is identical.

Please attach the stock bios you flashed with the CH341 (I edited which file to attach!)

sorry, i dont know how to upload file on this forum, here the files Backup BIOS – Google Drive

The backup you attached is the file you refered to as stock bios? (For me stock is native from vendor, but this is a backup of a long working machine?)

yes, that the stock bios, after the coreboot rom fail to boot (no display) i tried to flash the stock bios and the problem still same, yes that my laptop bios backup i know its old i never update the stock bios :rofl:

Sorry, if this is a firmware which earlier was working fine and you flashed both chips with a confirmed valid flash, I don’t have many ideas.

You might want to read over the bios versions, seems there are som funny pitfalls, like;


  • UEFI: 2.37 / ECP: 1.12*

    - (New) System can be turned on without AC adapter even if bottom cover was opened.

(Your stock firmware is 2.31)

Does the notebook charge?

Did you damage something while connecting the soic clamp?

Is everything connected properly? Tried with minimal setup?

yes it was plugged on ac adapter, screw everything including bottom cover and i connect everything properly, the flashrom gave me success and verified after flashing. I didnt damage anything as far as i know since i clip the clipper into the soic chip first then plug the ch 341a usb to the other laptop, when its done i unplug the ch341a first then unclip the clipper

You might try this firmware (2.7 MB) (2.9 MB)

(But I doubt that this is firmware related)

And still:
Does the notebook charge?

yes it always charged, now i heard fan spinning for a split second then die but the power on light indicator still on

OK, the EC firmware seems to be OK.

What does ‘now’ mean? Did you try the firmware from the last post already? Since ME is not initialized and NVRAM mostly empty, it should possibly need some reboots or take a longer time to boot.

yes i flash the firmware you gave me, when the ac adapter is plugged the light indicator is blinked 3 times, i also unplugged the battery and power it on with ac adapter and it turned on and then i heard fan spinning for a split second then die but the power light indicator still on.

Which light indicator is blinking?

I assume you did disconnect CMOS battery / main battery, pushed a reset button of there’s one, pushed the power button long with batteries disconnected…

Did you re-seat CPU and Memory?

As written- I don’t think any longer this is firmware / bios related.

the light on the power button. Yes i agree this is hardware related problem and i did reseat everything including cpu and RAM.

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