What tool do I use to change DMI like the serial number on UEFI BIOS?
@ drozek:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
Since this Forum is primarily specialized in the update of Option ROM and EFI modules, you should better look or ask >here< for an answer. Additionally I found >this< thread, which may be useful for you.
Here’s the solution!
Just right-click the DMIEDIT.EXE, And run as Administrator. Then happy editing!
EDIT by Fernando: The attachment has been deleted at 02/16/2017.
it cant work on ASUS P8P67. get below error code
it cant work on ASUS P8P67. get below error code
<img src=‘http://files.homepagemodules.de/b602300/f16t414p7591n2-thumb.jpg’alt=’’ style=‘border:none; ’ /> <img src=‘http://files.homepagemodules.de/b602300/f16t414p7591n3-thumb.jpg’alt=’’ style=‘border:none; ’ /> <img src=‘http://files.homepagemodules.de/b602300/f16t414p7591n4-thumb.jpg’alt=’’ style='border:none; ’ />
Please Help to change BIOS Date and Version
did you try booting from a dos usb drive and running the command?
link me you’re bios and I will see what I can do?
and give me the info you want input to it!
I just ran into the same issue! try re-running the program. and of course link me you’re bios
thanks for answer here my MB bios link: http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1…7-ASUS-3602.zip
it does not work for acer 5750 is there any way please?
To whom did you address this post?
Please consider the dates, when the last posts were written.
Hello! Could you please give a recommendation about DMI editing for H110M-/R/C/SI
Helped me a lot!!! Thank You!!!