The ASUS method in 1.82 build july 4-5th is no longer usable as asus has changed the way their site works,
I will be releasing a build update for 1.82 eventually to fix this rewriting the method to use asus support page instead.
A build update has been pushed out for Version 1.82 that fixes the asus method with new site code.
Hello to all my users and supporters of my programs, i am trying to grow my site and program company, and i need your help, eventually i will set up a donate button so users can donate for a good cause in the program development.
There is a few new projects that will be coming to the table after they are completely polished up, remakes of old programs to further enhance the user experience, but of course we need some sort of funding so some of our apps will be paid, but not very much money.
Further announcements after this one will be presented on my website instead so check my site for updated information on new projects or new features that may come to the table in certain program.
Here is an opening to some new renovations we are doing.…in-develepment/
And as always your feedback is important, so tell us what you want to see come to life a program idea, or what features you would like to see in a upcoming version of one of my programs.
Some stuff may not be able to happen sort of like add new support for UEFI Download Tool because not all websites show the information i need in order to fully support them.
And if you could, spread the word of our current programs, and look forward to new projects that will come, all programs that we release will usually make some part of your life easier, or just fun to use as in a prank app.
Stay updated and thank you.
I get this error when i try to check server:
This board seems to work for me as i just tested.
You should always send that error report because it shows me hardware info so i can fix the issue, so send it with the send button.
Version 1.84 has been released adding ASUS Laptop Support for all those who sent me error reports of them not working.
Thanks for making this available.
I used the programme but it said there were no matches for my motherboard.
Is that because mine is up to date or?
Np xD
And try to turn off Motherboard Secure Check Auto Retry, and check server again then manually setup your board, it’s likely that on the server there is a space between Z97X and Gaming so yours has a dash in it so it wasn’t found.
Motherboard secure check will try to find the board that is yours based on the motherboard model string.
If anyone wants to know what my most recent project i am working on is, its my game called Escape, i started this development while ago and it’s my next big thing i am doing, it’s a virtual world game. If any of you would like to try it out provide feedback or have any ideas for new things to add to it here is the link to get it for Windows
This is what i’ll be doing for a while, updated old programs will come after this game is done, however if UEFI Download Tool needs anything fixed i will work on that and get it fixed as soon as possible, but other programs will have to wait until this game is complete.
I want to thank every single one of you for using my program! It is been released for a long time now and i have got so much good feedback from it, i’m always notified by you guys if any errors occurs inside the built in error reporter.
I had high hopes for this program when i was developing it, i want to thank you guys for believing in me continuing to use my UEFI Download Tool, i hope it has helped your pc experience as much as it did mine.
We’re always on the latest BIOS, and its awesome cause every little fix that is released we will know from day 1 maybe even the first 30 minutes of release if your checker is on 30 minutes.
Stay tuned for future projects i may be working on or future updates to current programs i have released, the journey is always fun and interesting. All new programs i make will always be published on my website under downloads. Some of you already know this and have tried out some new stuff i recently published, Awesome!
Have a nice day everyone, wouldn’t be this far without you.
thank you very much
What is the next Manufacturer that you guys want to be supported?
To all my users they are some server issues in the latest version for some of the supported companies like ASUS and Dell, im working on the 1.86 update that will fix all the server issues and update dll files.
User Hearsepilot having issues with X99-DELUXE board i have no issues with it it works for me why is this?
tried the tool but is not working. have sent feedback via tool itself
I know, most of all the manufacturers have changed up their code on their websites and this my program is looking for the wrong data,
Im currently working on recording the searching aspect for all manufacturers to a new faster and more manageable way that will have less problems for builds that are left without updates for many months still should work unless major change is happening on one website i search for.
I’ve been really busy with Life related stuff and have not had time to update this program but as of now i am working on fixing all issues and implementing easier / faster ways to do operations to make the user experience quicker.
Expect an update after the 17th if i have enough time youll see it before hand, Be sure to enable Auto checking for program updates, and the program will update its self if open or when it is opened if an update is released. Sit tight fellow users, only better and better stuff to come.
Are the no functioning links to the tool anymore?
The tools server code has to be changed cause most the websites changes and how i find the data, ill be releasing a new build this year to fix these issues just bar with me as i am also working on a game project.
i have attached a link to the current build that hasn’t been worked on in years. if this one gives errors ill probably have to replace most the code in this years build coming up.
I am sorry to bother you with your own promise written in May 2019, but we now are already in April 2020 and the linked tool is dated 03/31/2017!
If you should have given up your "UEFI Download Tool" project, you should let us know it. Then a Forum Team member can unpin and close this thread.