Toshiba laptop flash looking for help advice

Not sure if im in right place or forum, but i really want to unlock my bios to be able to undervolt and overclock my laptop.

I dont know where to begin and if i cant find some to modd it then i must learn to do it so i ask anyone who is willing to help plz share your knowledge of this subject.

I am aware of Risks of flashing and if i ever am able to flash and i do brick my comp its at my own risk n fault.

Bios name in registry - TOSCPL- 10 7 2009 1.40 American Megatrends - 4028E

I tried to google AMI 1.4 4028E updates or modds .

If i end up having to be the one to edit a bios and flash it have i come to the right place to learn ?