Trying to Flash mod bios on GK7NP - TongFang With AMD Ryzen - AMI APTIO 5 -

Hello Everybody ,

I used AMI BCP 5 to enable some hidden settings in this ROM

There is different version of this bios from XMG, illegear, shenker, etc etc etc …
All of them works, but only XMG’s offers a little more (not really fancy) advanced options

But, this bios is not compatible with Core Tuner RYZEN (CTR 2.0)

Okay, so I’m unable to flash the modded bios ROM, tried AFUDOS v3.05.04 with support /GAN to bypass , 5.05.04 …
I get each time an error 46 " unable to get flashing information"

In a FAT32 Usb dos disk …

So is there any other options to finally do this, any clue ?

Thanks :slight_smile: