UEFItool error "UEFI Volumes not found"

@basco - This is not UEFI BIOS, that is why you cannot open with UEFITool. I assume that is why you posted a reply here?
This is an example file, do not use this for anything, but I need to ask if this is the correct logo you want to replace with all black? Do you want the text removed from bottom too (Press Del/Tab)?


* Edit - I assumed the above was the one you wanted replaced


x8sil2mnt = No Text (complete black)
x8sil2mt = Text only at bottom (press Del or Tab info)
Both BIOS have updated CPU microcodes, from a previous edit I did for someone else (all updated except CPUID 106E0)

W o w !!

Yes, i would like a complete black screen without text.
If i understand correctly, you also updated the cpu microcodes in my bios? what advantages do i get from that?
And what does CPUID 106E0 mean? And why shouldn’t that be updated as well?
I will flash your modified bios tomorrow and let you know.


@basco - 106E0 is for ES (engineer sample) CPU, general public usually doesn’t use these, so the updated microcode is tough to find, and I’ve not found latest one as of right now, so that is why it’s not updated
I didn’t notice until now, that the old edit I did for other user to update the microcodes, I didn’t use latest 106E5, so here is new set, this time with all updated to latest for sure except 106E0



CPU microcode updates have latest bug and errata fixes, security fixes etc from Intel. Sometimes manufacturer updates these when they put out BIOS update, but often they’re too lazy to do unless it’s big security fix, and you know BIOS update slow to never on some too.
If you end up wanting the Logo edit without the microcodes updated, let me know and I will redo for you. For complete black without text you want >> x8sil2mnt.bin

I’ve been searching this forum, does this post contain 106E0 and it’s successors?? Or is this something completely different…
Intel, AMD, VIA & Freescale CPU Microcode Repositories Discussion (3)

i flashed it, it works!!
Is it possible to quiet the PXE boot rom messages also? (while still having a functional PXE boot of course)

@basco - I’m not sure what you are asking about 106E0 above?? Did you mean on that page, is there a newer 106E0? If that is what you meant, no, those are same version your BIOS currently has (Old - FFFF001F)
I’m not able to find the latest 106E0, it’s only necessary if you have a CPU with that actual CPUID anyway, and wanted latest for it.

Thanks for quick report back, and great to hear BIOS works as you’d hoped!

On the PXE thing, what happens if you at Advanced >> Boot Feature >> Quiet Boot (set enabled, or disabled) - Does the PXE messages still show either way this setting is set?
Other than that, I see no way to disable this message. Show me what you see on this, I may be able to remove the text and leave just blank screen, but for that I would advise you have a programmer in hand and backup made in case edit causing BIOS to lock up at that module with no way past it if it’s a bad mod.

FYI to anyone looking later, this BIOS has headless option (may be visible, or hidden, unsure, but could be made visible if hidden)

I can set headless mode in this bios. it’s under ‘acpi configuration’.

I mainly mentioned because I’m asked about this from time to time on various BIOS, and I rarely see it as a BIOS option, so I dropped that comment here for anyone looking for a board that has this option later on.
Thanks for confirming the setting is visible by default.

this is my pxe boot screen:


haven’t got a big wallet, but made a donation. thanks!

@basco - Thanks, the site appreciates your donation!

on the PXE screen, I don’t think I could edit that to be blank, or it would mess up the PXE module function, however, I see here in a random config PDF that this screen may be hidden sometimes by splash logo https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~brecht/servers/…agnt/config.htm
So, maybe that setting I mention on post #25 would hide it, did you test both ways (Quiet Boot)?

Also on that same page >> AddOn Rom Display mode >> Try that “Keep Current” or “Force BIOS”

* Edit - I also see on that link above, in the actual PXE function once you enter it, you can hide this option via >>> Show Setup Prompt << Disable and or set timer to zero

tried quiet boot (both enable and disable), did not hide pxe
AddOn Rom Display mode both ways did nothing.
i cannot open the pxe setup menu, CTRL-S is not working… do you think this can be fixed?


i’ve found bootutil.exe from intel, but cannot reflash so far…


tried ibacfg.exe, it says ‘no supported adapters found’

@basco - please edit your posts if you want to add more info and no one has replied, no need for multiple posts in a row.
If you cannot Control+S then either you are not doing it correctly (as a combo/same time), or not getting it timed correctly, reboot and try again.
One of those, or the modules need updated at the BIOS level, not something you do with anything software you’ve mentioned, this requires a BIOS Mod, which I can do for you

Did you also test >> AddOn Rom Display mode >> Try both “Keep Current” or “Force BIOS”

I’ve tried AddOn Rom Display mode both ways.
And tried pressing CRTL-S on evry possible occasion…
I don’t think this PXE rom provides access to a configuration menu.
I would greatly appreciate a bios mod

@basco - Yes, it may be only certain ones allow you to gain access, however that does seem dumb for them to all show Control+S message if this is truly the case.
Can you currently use PXE/Boot to LAN? Please test, I see this BIOS option and it’s disabled by default x2 >> Load Onboard LAN Option ROM 1.
I guess maybe that’s something else possibly, the help says to disable LAN, and your LAN is working correct?

Here is mod BIOS with PXE Update from v1.3.40 (I notice, this is not version shown in your image at post #28?) >> To >> v1.5.62

Flashed it.
Lan is working. I have two fully functioning network ports in ubuntnu 18.04.

PXE boot also works (enables it the bios, default it is disabled) but:
No version bump to 1.5.62 on the screen? I still says 1.3.22.
As you can see, my PXE rom does not show ‘Press CTRL-S…’.
Still cannot access apxe configuration.

original bios:

mntpxe bios:

This edit has nothing to do with if LAN works or not. Those modules are for PXE boot to LAN/Wake on LAN only
Thanks for new images, that is weird, I wondered why your image didn’t even match the version I saw in the stock BIOS, and then thought maybe you found that image instead of it being your actual image.
1.3.22 is not in any of these BIOS, not even the stock one

How are you updating the BIOS, what command? Seems like this is being skipped over, so we need to adjust your flashing options.

aha, that could be it
i’m using the tools supermicro supplied with the bios.
i’m using:
ami.bat mntpxe.rom

ami.bat contains:


@echo off

these are the possible options:

Well, /P /B /N /K was what I was going to suggest… This wont matter, but after flash, did you load optimal defaults? If not, you always should.

Lets see if this person knows, he’s good with older AMI BIOS. I find it odd that the stock one didn’t even flash in before I modified it too, something’s missing here in update process/method I think

I’m still wondering if it has anything to do with these settings, why you can’t use it, enter PXE options etc, this should cause it to not update/flash the rom area, no matter what these are set to in BIOS.
Can you see these options at Advanced >> PCI/PnP Config >>
Load Onboard LAN Option ROM 1
Load Onboard LAN Option ROM 2

Should be directly below Load Onboard LAN 1 Option Rom Select (Which, even if you can’t see, is set to PXE)

@MiesMosel - can you please check stock BIOS for this system, and my mod BIOS (post #33), and maybe tell us why neither the stock PXE rom was flashed in when he last flashed stock BIOS, nor was my updated one flashed in in last two mod BIOS flashes.
PXE Boot screen shows v1.3.22 - stock BIOS contains v1.3.40 - I updated it to v1.5.62
Module ID #20 >> DeviceID 10EF

I can see the two options, and i have enabled them to be able to pxe boot.
I can pxe boot on both LAn ports.
havent loaded optimal defaults, i wil try now… nope, did a reflah of ntpxe, still the same.


No need to quote me, we’re only ones talking here
Thanks for confirming you can see those options, and thanks for confirming you can PXE Boot on LAN.

Hopefully MiesMosel will be able to tell us why it’s not updating that option rom!

I see this here >> "If the Configuration Setup Menu does not appear after repeated pressings of Ctrl+S, you were likely not fast enough. In this case, reboot and try again."

i will keep trying!
but my pxe boot rom does not show the text 'Press Ctrl+S to enter the Setup Menu."
will keep trying anyway.

i tried using a PS/2 keyboard instead of USB… but didn’t work…